- B型扇形显示器 B-scope SEG
- 复合B型扇形扫描 compound B-scan
- 扇形显示器 sector-display indicator
- 改良型扇形线束 modified fan beam
- B型 Type B
- B型肝炎 hepatitis B
- 方法用DXA ODR 4500A型扇形束骨密度仪测量3378例5-96岁女性腰椎前后位(AP)和仰卧侧位、髋部和前臂的BMD,用8种回归模型拟合BMD随年龄的变化,找出最佳拟合模型方程建立参考图和确定PB-MD。 Methods BMDs of anteroposterior (AP) and supine lateral lumbar spines, hip, and forearm were measured using DXA QDR 4500A fan beam bone densitometer in 3378 women aged 5 to 96 years. Age-related changes were fitted in the whole woman population by eight kinds of regression models. The best model equation of fitting was found for establishing the reference plots and determining the peak BMDs.
- B型图像 B mode imaging
- B型脑钠肽 B-type natriuretic peptide
- B型显示器 B scope; B-scope
- B型链球菌 group B streptococcus
- 微B型显示器 micro-B scope
- B型关联度 B type association degree
- B型显示器(距离-方位显示器) B scope(range-azimuth indicator)
- B型行为模式 Type B behavior pattern
- B型流感病毒 Influenza B virus
- 流感病毒B型 Influenza B virus
- B型活性染料 B type reactive dye
- B型钠利尿肽 B- type natriuretic peptide
- 血浆B型脑钠肽 Acute coronary syndromes