- A,B,和C之间什么不同? What is the difference between A,B and C?
- A,B。和C之间什麽不同? What is the difference between A, B and C?
- 证明了衰减曲线即递减指数为0.5时的Arps双曲线,也证明了衰减参数a、b、c之间始终满足b=ac的关系。 It has proved thatthe equation of attenuation curve is a Arps hyperbolic curve which decline exponent is 0. 5 and the attenuation parameters (a, b and c) have the relation of b=ac constantly.
- 在二条舌头之间什么机会? Between two tongues what opportunity?
- 之间 between
- 没有什么 there's nothing ( ... about it)
- A组料蛋比和C组接近(2.43:1和2.42:1),均优于B组(2.63:1)。 FRC of group A was similar to that of group C(2.43vs.2.42),both superior to group B(2.63:1).
- 在天、地之间什么也没有了。 There is nothing left between the sky and the earth any more.
- 这是什么意思? What's the meaning of this?
- 不仅A而且 not merely A but also B
- 在C和C++中,造型有时会让人头痛。 In C and C++,casting can cause some headaches.
- 在 ... 之间 amongst
- 我们之间什么也没有发生,她自己像猎人,把我当成她的猎物。这是征服,不是爱情,绝不是! Nothing happened between us. She's like a predator and I'm her prey. It's a conquest, not love. No way!
- 骨巨细胞瘤Ets-1和c-myc的表达及临床意义 Expression of Ets-1 and c-myc in Bone Giant Cell Tumors and their Clinical Significance
- 吃些维他命B和C能增强你的抵抗力。 Some vitamin B and C will build up your resistance.
- 图3-33的轴被简支在A和B上,并在A处用键固定防止转动。 The shaft of Fig. 3-33 is simply supported at A and B and is keyed against rotation at A.
- 对她的抗议他毫不在意地拋诸脑后,只管继续往下说,仿彿他们之间什么都谈妥了似的。 He blithely ignored her protests and went on talking as if all were agreed between them.
- 基于Euler方程的B型和C型嗡鸣特性数值研究 Numerical analysis for B-type buzz and C-type buzz basing on Euler codes
- 他忍受不了这样一种联想:剩下他一个人和母亲呆在一起,在他自己和他的问心有愧的爱之间什么东西也没有了。 He could not endure the thought of being left alone with his mother, with nothing whatever to put between himself and his guilty love.
- 本文首先介绍DEA方法的BC~2模型和C~2R模型. I introduce the C~2R model and BC~2 model of DEA method first in thispaper,and confirm the input indexes and output indexes of oppraising the agricultureeconomic Benefit.