- They have nothing to do with Asian values. 这些和亚洲价值观无关。
- Why does the West react so negatively to Asian values? 西方何以排斥亚洲价值观?
- This leads me to my point that it is essential to distinguish between good Asian values and bad Asian values. 这就是我的观点,我们必须分辨什么是好的亚洲价值观,什么是坏的亚洲价值观。
- Second, I suspect that the West cannot accept the concept of Asian values because the latter could pose a challenge to Western intellectual hegemony. 第二、我怀疑西方之所以不能接受亚洲价值观,是因为后者很可能正面挑战西方的知识霸权。
- There are good Asian values and bad Asian values,just as there are good Western values and bad Western values. 亚洲价值观有好有坏,正如西方价值观也有好有坏。
- Not all Asian values are good values just as not all Western values are good values. 不是所有的亚洲价值观都是好的价值观,正如不是所有的西方价值观都是好的价值观一样。
- To put it more accurately,they have everything to do with bad Asian values but nothing to do with good Asian values. 更准确的说法是,它们和坏的亚洲价值观有关,但却和好的亚洲价值观无关。
- I believe there is such a thing as Asian values just as there are American values and ideals and European values and ideals. 我认为亚洲价值观是存在的,正如世界上存在着美国价值观和美国理想以及欧洲价值观和欧洲理想。
- I have been puzzled by the fact that many American and European intellectuals have reacted so negatively to Asian values. 许多美国和欧洲知识分子对亚洲价值观非常排斥,我对此感到困惑。
- There is no consensus among Asian intellectuals and scholars on whether there is such a thing as "Asian values". 亚洲的知识分子和学者针对“亚洲价值观”是否存在的课题,并没有达到共识。
- Asian values are not necessarily authoritarian; they can easily accommodate the aspirations of civil society. 亚洲价值观并不一定是权力主义的;这些价值观能够很快容纳文明社会的理念。
- To put it more accurately, they have everything to do with bad Asian values but nothing to do with good Asian values. 更准确的说法是,它们和坏的亚洲价值观有关,但却和好的亚洲价值观无关。
- There are good Asian values and bad Asian values, just as there are good Western values and bad Western values. 亚洲价值观有好有坏,正如西方价值观也有好有坏。
- For example, the former Governor of Hong Kong, Chris Patten, devoted a chapter in his book," East and West", to debunking Asian values. 譬如,前香港总督彭定康在其著作《东方与西方》内,利用了一整章的篇幅来批驳亚洲价值观。
- These are sweeping statements that, at worst, sound like a Singaporean advertisement for Asian values. 说得严重些,这些笼统的说法简直就像一则宣传亚洲价值观的新加坡广告。
- He was an unabashed advocate of “Asian values”, favouring discipline over freedom. 他是所谓“亚洲价值观”的死忠,即,爱原则胜于爱自由。
- And exponents of Asian values cite that great authority, Confucius, very selectively. 而持亚洲价值观之解释者们,却是极有选择地引用了至圣先师孔夫子的言论。
- For example,the former Governor of Hong Kong,Chris Patten,devoted a chapter in his book," East and West",to debunking Asian values. 譬如,前香港总督彭定康在其著作《东方与西方》内,利用了一整章的篇幅来批驳亚洲价值观。
- His strong advocacy on upholding certain time-tested Asian values,as being superior to those of the West,further alienated him to their media. 他极力提倡一些历久不衰的亚洲价值观,认为它们比西方价值观优越,更加深方媒体对他的不友好态度。
- Second,I suspect that the West cannot accept the concept of Asian values because the latter could pose a challenge to Western intellectual hegemony. 第二、我怀疑西方之所以不能接受亚洲价值观,是因为后者很可能正面挑战西方的知识霸权。