- AsiaI型口蹄疫 Asial type FMDV
- O型口蹄疫 FMD type O
- AsiaI型 type Asia Ⅰ
- O型口蹄疫病毒 FMDV serotype O
- A型口蹄疫病毒 Foot-and-mouth disease virus
- C型口蹄疫病毒 Foot-and-mouth disease virus of serotype C
- 0型口蹄疫病毒 O type foot-and-mouth disease virus (FMDV)
- 欧洲国家暴发口蹄疫后丹麦采取的应对措施及其风险评估 Response Measures and Risk Evaluation in Demark after Outbreak of FMD in Europe
- 以猪IgG重链恒定区为抗原载体的抗口蹄疫病毒DNA疫苗的研制 Study on the DNA Vaccine Against Foot-and-mouth Disease Virus Using the Heavy Chain Constant Region of Swine IgG as the Carrier for Peptide Epitopes
- 北京地区牛口蹄疫母源抗体水平及其疫苗免疫效果的调查研究 Investigations about matrix-antibody against FMD and detection for antibody aroused by Cow-FMD vaccine in Beijing
- 口蹄疫病毒3ABC、3AB、3BC基因克隆、表达及其抗体消长规律的研究 Cloning and Expression of 3ABC, 3AB, 3BC Gene Fragments of Foot-and-Mouth Disease Virus and Antibody Dynamic of Expression Products
- 疑似口蹄疫的案例在丹麦经常出现,但是上一次确认的口蹄疫病例则要回推到1983年。 Suspected cases of foot-and-mouth disease arise in Denmark every so often, but the last confirmed case dates back to 1983.
- 可是口蹄疫能引起偶蹄类动物的口和蹄起疱、引起实质性致残、失去食欲,从而消耗体力。 What it does, though, is cause blistering of the mouths and feet of animals with cloven hooves, as well as eventual lameness, loss of appetite and wasting.
- Asial型口蹄疫病毒 foot-and-mouth disease virus serotype Asial
- 牛口蹄疫 Foot and mouth disease of bovine
- 猪口蹄疫 Foot and mouth disease of swine
- 口蹄疫的防制 Prevention and control of FMD
- 口蹄疫检疫 foot-and-mouth disease quarantine
- 口蹄疫疫苗 foot and-mouth disease vaccine
- 口蹄疫毒属 [医] Hostis