- Arundinella fluviatilis n. 溪边野古草
- Scirpus fluviatilis(Torr.)A.Gray. 荆三棱
- The main plant distribute on moving dune are Aneurolepidium chinense, Cleistogenes chinensis, Arundinella hirta, Ulmus macrocarpa, Rhamnus davuricum. 固定沙丘分布的主要植物为羊草、中华隐子草、野古草,大果榆、鼠李等。
- Lacustrine carbonate rocks in member 1 of Shahejie Formation consist of biolithitic and oolitic limestone and minor ancylus fluviatilis limestones. 摘要山东东辛油田古近系沙河街组一段湖相破酸盐岩过去仅作为盖层而忽视其油气地质意义。
- Any of various spiny-finned freshwater fishes of the genus Perca,especially either of two edible species,P. flavescens,of North America,and P. fluviatilis,of Europe. 河鲈,任何一种有刺状鳍的鲈属淡水鱼,尤指两种可食用类,北美洲的金鲈和欧洲的河鲈。
- Any of various spiny-finned freshwater fishes of the genus Perca, especially either of two edible species, P. flavescens, of North America, and P. fluviatilis, of Europe. 河鲈任何一种有刺状鳍的鲈属淡水鱼,尤指两种可食用类,北美洲的金鲈和欧洲的河鲈
- Arundinella anomala Steud. 野古草
- Scirpus fluviatilis A.Gray. 荆三棱
- It is abundant with European river fish species which are not found in other part of China, such as pike(Esox lucius), tench (Tinca tinca), perch (Perca fluviatilis) and taimen (Hucho taimen) etc. 该河具有我国其它地区所没有的欧洲水系鱼类,如丁鱥、白斑狗鱼、河鲈、哲罗鱼等。
- Keywords Perca fluviatilis Linnaeus;the growth model ecological parameter; 河鲈;生长模型;生态学参数;
- Arundinella anomals n. 野古草
- Arundinella barbinodis n. 毛节野古草
- Arundinella bengalensis n. 孟加拉野古草
- Arundinella cochinchinensis n. 大序野古草
- Arundinella flavida n. 硬叶野古草
- Arundinella grandiflora n. 大花野古草
- Anopheles fluviatilis 溪流按蚊
- Sotalia fluviatilis n. 土库海豚(海豚科)
- Arundinella hirta n. 毛杆野古草
- Arundinella khaseana n. 滇西野古草