- Art Aesthetic Education 艺术美育
- Reimer’s concept of art is the foundation of his idea of aesthetic education. 在这样的艺术观的支撑下,才有了雷默的审美教育思想。
- Roles of aesthetic education in P.E. 审美教育在体育教学中的地位不容忽视。
- Aesthetic education in college P.E. 高校体育教学中的美学教育。
- Study on the Aesthetic Education in Colleges P. E. 高校体育教学中的美学教育探析。
- Aesthetic Education can promote productivity. 摘要美育有助于提高生产力。
- The aesthetic education of schiler mainly referred to art education, while the aesthetic revolution of Marcuse chiefly talk about the art revolution. 席勒的审美教育主要指艺术教育,马尔库塞的审美革命则主要指艺术革命。
- Strengthening Aesthetic Education in University P.E. 加强大学生体育美育教育的思考。
- With profound aesthetic meaning,the calligraphy art itself conta ins abundant beautiful factors and it is the base of aesthetic education in call igraphy teaching. 书法艺术本身蕴含着丰富的美的因素,具有深刻的美学意义,这是书法教育中实施美育的基础。
- As interior decoration, home textile should stress the art aesthetic effect in its appearance design. 家用纺织品作为室内装饰品,在外观效果设计上,强调艺术美感效果。
- The education without aesthetic education is not the education of the times. 46没有美育的教育不是时代的教育。
- Regional idiosyncrasy of national art aesthetic has its normal inevitability, while is also in a state of developing and change. 民族艺术审美的地域性特质具有合规律的必然性,但同样又是处于发展变化状态的。
- Network works lead to the desalinate writing and the strengthen ictures feeling,suction out the intelligence basis of the art aesthetic experience. 网络作品对文字书写的淡化和对图像感觉的强化,抽空了艺术审美体验的心智基础。
- His thought of aesthetic education consists of three aspects, namely, unique art imago; teaching people in accordance with their aptitude; implement aesthetic education through painting and poems. 其审美教育思想主要由以下三个方面组成:一、独特的艺术意象;二、因人施教,各适其材;三、绘画、诗歌是实施教育的主要形式。
- Furthermore, it should go into students' rich and colourful life-world and arouse their interests and enthusiasms of taking part in the art aesthetic study. 小学艺术审美教育应当走入学生的丰富的生活世界,激发学生参与艺术审美学习的兴趣与热情。
- Among diathesis education, the effect of aesthetic education holds the balance, especially for agricultural and forest university, even more attention should be paid to aesthetic and art education. 在素质教育中美育教育的作用是举足轻重的 ,特别是农林院校 ,更应重视美育与艺术教育。
- As an educator, he put the aesthetic education theory into practice. 作为教育家,他身体力行,将审美教育思想融入到自己的教育实践中。
- The blank in the text is the best materials for the literature aesthetic education . 文本的空白是文学审美教育的最佳材料。
- Currently, aesthetic education is not given sufficient emphasis in colleges and universities. 当前,美育教育在整个高校的教育工作中,仍处于相对薄弱的地位。
- It is practical to melt the aesthetic education into schools, families, and society. 将美育真正融入学校、家庭、社会,全面提升学生素质是切实可行的。