- ApoEε4等位基因 ApoEε4 allele
- DPB1 2 2 0 1和DQB1 0 2 0 1、 0 3 0 3及 0 60 4等位基因可能是山东地区汉族人 1型糖尿病的易感性等位基因 ,而DPB1 0 4 0 2和DQB1 0 3 0 1等位基因可能是山东地区汉族人 1型糖尿病的保护性等位基因 DPB1 ?2201,DQB1 ?0201, ?0303 and ?0604 may be suscepti ble alleles and DPB1 ? 0402,DQB1 ?0301 t he protective ones to type 1 diabetes me llitus.
- 深圳地区汉族人凝血因子 XIII L eu3 4等位基因频率比高加索人群低。 The frequency of FXIII Leu34 allele in Han people in Shenzhen is lower than that in Caucasian.
- 结果:apoE3/4基因型频率和E_4等位基因频率在CHD_1组明显高于CHD_2组和健康对照组,CHD_2组和健康对照组无差别。 Results -apoE3/4 genotype and E4 allele frequency in CHDl were higher than those in CHD2 and healthy subjects and no difference was found between CHD2 and healthy subjects.
- 杂合性:在一个基因位点上具有两个不同的等位基因。 Heterozygous Having two different alleles at a given locus.
- 等位基因 allele
- apoE基因 apoE gene
- ApoEε4基因 ApoEε4
- 封闭近交群体内等位基因纯化的数学模型 A mathematical model imitating the allele homologizing process in a closed inbreeding population
- APOE基因多态性 Genotype polymorphism
- apoE基因缺失小鼠 apoE knockout mice
- apoE基因敲除小鼠 apoE-knockout mice
- 两种等位基因引起的乳腺癌仅限于雌激素受体阳性肿瘤。 Risk from both alleles was confined to estrogen receptor-positie tumors.
- apoE基因缺陷小鼠 Apolipoprotein E deficiency mice
- 4基因 Smad 4
- α4基因 α4 gene
- APOE基因多态性与单相抑郁症无关联 A study of the association between unipolar depression and polymorphisms of APOE gene
- 单管双向等位基因专一性扩增方法在近交系小鼠遗传检测中的应用 Application of Single-Tube Bi-Directional Allele Specific Amplification in SNP Genetic Monitoring of Inbred Mice
- 4型基因型 Genotype 4
- 用均匀设计优化apoE基因的PCR扩增方案 Optimization of the Amplified Conditions for Human Apo E Gene Fragment by Uniform Design.