- Aphis glycines Matsumura 大豆蚜
- The stylet penetration and suck behaviour of soybean aphid, Aphis glycines Mat., on Lost and non-host plants was monitored by using an electrically recording method (EPG). 用EPG记录法记录了大豆蚜AphisglycinesMatsumura在寄主和非寄主植物上的口针刺吸行为。
- Keywords Myzus persicae;Aphis gossypii;Aphis glycines;organic solvents;behavioral (response); 烟蚜;棉蚜;大豆蚜;有机溶剂;行为反应;
- Aphis glycines 大豆蚜
- An aphid, especially one of the genus Aphis. 蚜属昆虫蚜虫,尤指蚜虫属昆虫
- My companions showed me the aphis they raised. 同类们领着我去观赏他们饲养的蚜虫。
- Lysiphlebus fabarum (Hymenoptera: Aphidiidae) is a generalist parasitic wasp species which can oviposit in several aphid species, including the bean aphid, Aphis craccivora (Homoptera Aphidinae), and the soybean aphid, A. glycines. 豆柄瘤蚜茧蜂Lysiphlebusfabarum对能寄生于包括大豆蚜Aphisglycines和豆蚜A.
- APHIS offers some suggestions of ways to keep away from predators. APHIS给农民提供驱逐食肉动物的建议.
- Aces APHIS offers some suggustions of ways to keep away predators. APHIS提供一些远离食肉动物的方法的建议。
- APHIS offers some suggestions of ways to keep away predators . APHIS提供一些的方法建议来赶跑食肉动物。
- APHIS offers some suggestions of ways to keep away predators. APHIS提供一些方法建议用以驱逐侵掠动物。
- Spatial and temporal niches of Aphis gossypii and its predatory enemies. 棉蚜及其捕食性天敌时空生态位研究。
- If is APHIS offers some suggestions aways to keep away predators .A project. 蚜虫也有一些方法能赶走食肉动物。
- Matsumura, Masahiro. "Inside Japans'Energy Development Politics: What Outsiders Do Not Know. 松村昌广〈日本能源发展的政治内幕:外界不知的内幕〉
- Matsumura, S. 1917. A list of the Aphididae of Japan, with description of new species and genera. J. Coll. Agr. Tokoku Imp. Univ. , 7:351-414. [姜立云;乔格侠;张广学;2004.;中国新纪录属--斑大蚜属研究(同翅目;蚜科;大蚜亚科)
- Maki Mitsuo Matsumura Susumu Matsuzaka Jir.Sakamoto Tatsuko Suminoe Ky.hei Suzuki Ry.hei Toyoshima Kazushi Tsuga Shizuko Tsuga Shir.Arita Eisabur.Azuma Mitsue Kat. 主演: Fumito Matsuo 岚宽寿郎 山本礼三郎 松浦筑枝 Shoroku Onoe Atsumi Miho T.;roku Makino 中根龙太郎 Koenji Ichikawa Suzuko Isokawa Mitsur
- Matsumura T, Matsushima N. Endogenous Cost Differentials between Public and Private Enterprises: a Mixed Duopoly Approach [J]. Economica, Vol 71, 2004 (4): 671 - 688. 林毅夫李志赟.;政策性负担、道德风险与预算软约束[J]
- The soybean leaves were infected by Septoria glycines and presented morbid state after 7 or 15 days in June in the east of Heilongjiang provice. 大豆褐纹病在黑龙江省东部地区于6月中旬始见病斑,始发病期与当时气象因素有关。
- I have seen small population almost wiped out by fungus at the same time as dense aphis populations elsewhere. 我曾见到小的群体在其它任何地方的高密度蚜群被真菌杀死的同时差不多也被杀死了。