- Almirante Camara 卡马拉海军上将是巴西制造的海洋研究船
- So the deal would be a boon to Captain Camara. 因此,这项交易对卡拉马上校而言可能是件好事。
- A photograph is a picture made with camara. 照片是用照相机制成的图画;
- He has a computer, but doesn't have a camara. 他有电脑,但没有照相机。
- He has a computer, but doesn't have camara. 他有电脑,但没有照相机。
- You have a lot of gifts, so you have to pay for the camara. 您已经买了这么多礼物,所以相机必须得上税。
- Former Red Titi Camara has been appointed manager of Guinea. 前利物浦的球员卡马拉已经被任命为几内亚国家队主教练。
- She brought delicious foods, a blanket for laying the foods, camara, etc. 给大家带来了各种可口食品,带来了野餐时用的毯子,还有相机等。
- So I borrowed an old camara and shooted ,which is a process of delectation. 我在驼鸟丛中躲闪,在长颈鹿间穿行,和羚羊一起欢跑。
- U took this plan by using digital camara that I gave U to download, right? 您所在的用户组只能看到部分内容.
- Henri Camara beat Rio Ferdinand to Gary Teale's right-wing cross but his header flashed wide of the near post. 亨利.;卡马拉跳赢了费迪南德却把加利
- Once on shore, there were many Papilios feeding on the blossoming Lantana camara. 更有趣的是牠们竟像蜻蜓般在水上轻轻点水,真教人百思不得其解。
- Wherearea I have want to Europ camara followWherever she went in Europe, cameras followed. 无论她在欧洲的什么地方,照相机总是跟着她。
- The analysis on the chemical constituents of the roots of Lantana camara L. by means of GC/MS has not been reported. 五色梅根化学成分的GC/MS联用分析还未见报道。
- For the first time planets that go around stars outside our own solar system have been pictured on camara. 科学家首次拍摄到了我们太阳系以外的行星的照片。
- The United States Navy, the Russian Navy, and the Peruvian Navy (with the Almirante Grau, an ex-Dutch cruiser built shortly after World War II) are the only remaining navies which operate cruisers. 只有五艘巡洋舰的主炮口径在此之上:三艘德国德意志级装甲舰和美国海军在第二次世界大战中使用的两艘阿拉斯加级大型巡洋舰。
- Captain Camara has expressed his "profound sympathy" for the families of those killed. 卡玛拉上尉向遇害者家属表达了自己深切的同情。
- Its spokesman, Capt Moussa Camara, wearing a red beret, said the junta wanted to ”save a people in distress”. 头戴红色贝雷帽的发言人卡马拉上尉(CaptMoussaCamara)表示,该集团希望“拯救人民于危难之中”。
- State-run television in Guinea Friday said Captain Camara was "slightly" hurt and that his life is not in danger. 现在对他的伤势情况仍不清楚。几内亚官方电视台星期五报导说,卡马拉上校受轻伤,没有生命危险。
- Book online the cheapest hotels in Estreito de Camara de Lobos - low prices and high discounts. 网上预定在 Estreito de Camara de Lobos 最便宜的酒店 - 价格优惠折扣多多。