- All-pay拍卖 all - pay auction
- Winner-pay拍卖 winner - pay auction
- pay-up (美国) 现金损失
- Winner-pay支付规则 Winner-pay auction
- 他们将拍卖一批收藏的油画。 They will auction off a collection of oils.
- pay down (分期付款购货) 先支付部分贷款
- ALL格式 ALL data format
- pay to bearer (支票用语) 认票不认人
- 万象更新。all things take on a new aspect.
- 拍卖时各出价人对这幅名画竞争很激烈. Competition between bidders for this valuable painting has been keen.
- “Pay”一般用以指雇主定期付给的工资。 Pay is a general word for money we regularly receive from an employer for work done.
- 即使指定了ALL_LEVELS,也只对索引叶级或表数据级进行处理。 Even if ALL_LEVELS is specified, only the index leaf level or table data level is processed.
- 他拍卖财产来换取金钱 He made money on the sale of his properties.
- [reproduce,quote,pay+] 全部地 in full
- T-ALL/淋巴瘤 T-acute lymphoblastic leukemia/lymphoma
- 他们拍卖了这套家具。 They sold the furniture by auction.
- 一个可行的方法是pay-as-you-go方法。 One possible method is the pay-as-you-go approach.
- 拍卖监狱 Indiana Jail Is for Sale
- 这幅画在拍卖中值多少钱? How much did the painting go for at the auction?
- 这里,基于pay-to-be-seen概念的收集收入概念是可行的。 Here the concept of collecting revenue based on a pay-to-be-seen concept is feasible.