- Aleutian Tern is another numerous passage migrant in both spring and autumn. 白腰燕鸥是另一种在春天和秋天会大量迁徙的候鸟。
- Aleutian Tern n. 白腰燕鸥
- I want to complain in the strong term about the delay. 我要以最强烈的措词抗议这次耽误。
- Our tern be always cash In advance . 我们的条件总是预付现金。
- Ber tern opened a door marked NO ADMITTANCE. 波恩司坦打开了门,门上写着“闲人莫入”。
- TERN's balance sheet remains solid. tern的资产负债表保持著良好状态。
- A tern of revilement similar to s. o. B. 王八羔子
- Oh, it caught a Hong Kong flagged Bridled Tern. 季初还奇怪为何不见了香港足旗的褐翅燕鸥;但现时不用再找了....
- In April, the bridled tern returns to breed. 燕鸥的天敌除了人类以及猛禽以外,还有老鼠。
- Our school football tern is made up of 16 members. 我们的学校足球三个一组由16个成员组成。
- One of the Roseate Tern is ringed! 有一只被环志了的粉红燕鸥!
- Time of the 165th meridian,used in western Alaska and the Aleutian Islands. 格林威治以西第时区的时间,即西经度的时区,该时区包括西阿拉斯加和阿留申群岛。
- Today at least 11 Roseate Tern and 3 Black-naped Tern at Tap Mun! 今日有最少11只粉红燕鸥及3只黑枕燕鸥在塔门码头!
- Few White-winged Tern (at least 2) pass Chek Keng this morning! 今早在赤径附近见到数只(最少2只)白翅浮鸥飞过!
- A native or inhabitant of the Aleutian Islands, especially an Aleut. 阿留申人阿留申群岛上的本地人或居民,尤指阿留申人
- Where can tern families go if you land on tern islands? 你登岛之后,燕鸥一家大小可以去哪里?
- Alaska has supported listings of other species, like the Aleutian Canada goose. 阿拉斯加一直支持上市的其他物种,像阿留申加拿大鹅。
- Arctic tern is the farthest flight of birds: birds fly the farthest. 飞行最远的鸟类:北极燕鸥是飞得最远的鸟类。
- April 1, 1946, the Aleutian Islands to the waters of the tsunami, waves 35 meters. 1946年4月1日,阿留申群岛海域发生海啸,浪高35米。
- In the end, wish everyone greater progress and more harvest in the new tern. 最后,祝大家学习进步,在新的学期里有更多的收获。