- Albert is Ann's brother. 艾伯特是安的弟弟。
- Bruce’s brother Robert is a famous pop star. 布鲁斯的哥哥罗伯特是一个著名的通俗歌星。
- Hi, my name is Ann and I saw your ad in the paper. 嗨,我的名字叫安,我看到你们在报纸上刊登的广告。?
- Ann has long dark hair and glasses. Who is Ann? 茵有长长的黑头发并戴眼镜。谁是茵。
- What is Ann showing Uncle booky? (ann 给Uncle booky 看什么呢?
- Albert is a worthy man to whom I am as good as betrothed. 艾伯特是一个值得尊敬的人,实际上我和他订婚了。
- Albert is a worthy man to whom I am as good as betrothed . 艾伯特是一个值得尊敬的人,实际上我和他订婚了。
- On Michael K s journey to Prince Albert is a process of being interned. 独自漂流在路上,并一次又一次地被殖民的官僚系统监控于集中营。
- Kayla’s brother and sister are brought to the circus in New York. 楞是到吃完饭没人再讲话。。。
- Things really get hot when Nuova s brother, Eis Shenron, joins in the fray! 当四星龙的哥哥三星龙加入打斗时事情更加激烈起来!
- The owner' s brother has been in practical control of the firm for years. 业主的弟弟实际控制该商行已有多年.
- Albert is now getting even with the man who stole his money. 艾尔伯特现在向偷他钱的人报复。
- Paul Silas: Fallout with Paxson"s brother Jim in Cleveland doesn"t bode well. 骑士队今年的带罪羊;被Paxson 兄弟JIM在骑士队开除.
- Albert is Ada's brother too. 艾伯特也是阿达的弟弟。
- ML's brother Gene was still furious over the local legend that in the War between the state Sherman had marched his troops through this cemetery. 当地有个传说,在内战时期,谢尔曼曾让他的军队行军穿过这个墓地,曼梯·里的兄弟吉恩还在为传说中的事而恼火。
- Prince Albert is next in line to take power in Monaco when Prince Rainier dies. 兰尼埃三世从1949年开始当政,比英国的伊丽莎白二世早3年当政,因而他是目前世界上当政时间最长的国王之一。
- May I introduce myself? My name is Anne Kennedy. I'm a secretary. 我来介绍一下自己好吗?我叫安娜·肯尼迪。我是秘书。
- Al-Drifa’ s brother joined the Alliance forces to carry on a heroic and merciless fight against the Dragons. 艾尔德利法的兄弟参加了联盟军队,开始了反击巨龙的英勇而残酷的战斗。
- He must be tired today. And he must be worried. Is Anne OK? 他今天一定很累,也一定很担心。安妮还好吧?
- The wheelchair program began in 1988 when David’s brother Mark saw a woman crawling along a Guatemalan roadside. 轮椅工程开始于1988年,那一年,大卫的哥哥马克在危地马拉看到一个妇女沿着路边爬行。