- AlN粉末 AIN powder
- AlN粉末特性对AlN-BN复合陶瓷致密化的影响 Influence of AIN powder characteristic on densification of AlN-BN composite ceramics
- X射线衍射分析证明,在适当分压比的N_2-NH_3混合气体中所制出的超细AlN粉末不存在Al(即其氮化率达到100%),所得AlN粒子的最大几率直径为5.29nm,几何平均直径为21.0nm。 By means of X-ray diffraction analysis, it was shown that the ultafine AlN powder produced in the N_2-NH_3 gas with a appropriate mix ratio of N_2 and NH_3 has no Al powder, i.e., the nitridation ratio of alu minium is 100%25. The most probable diameter and the mean diameter measured by electronmicroscope are 5.29nm and 21.0nm respectively.
- 他将一支粉笔压成粉末。 He crushed a piece of chalk to powder.
- 粉末都沉淀到杯底了。 The powder settled to the bottom of the cup.
- AlN基 aluminum nitride
- AlN薄膜 AlN thin films
- 使泥土成粉末 to dust the soil
- AlN陶瓷 AIN ceramic
- 粉末轧制 powder rolling
- AlN粉体 AlN powder
- 卵石被敲成粉末。 The pebbles were beaten to a fine dust.
- 纳米AlN nano-AlN
- 粉末冶金成形 compacting process in powder metallurgy
- AlN涂层 AlN coating
- 粉末冶金烧结 powder metallurgy sintering
- AlN颗粒 AlN particles
- 薄片状粉末 leafy powder
- AlN析出 AlN precipitation
- 将药物同稀释剂研磨成粉末 triturate a drug with a diluent