- Al2O3·SiC纳米复合陶瓷 Al2O3-SiC ceramic nanocomposites
- Al2O3/SiC纳米复合陶瓷 Al2O3/SiC nanocomposite ceramic
- Ni-SiC纳米复合镀层 Ni- SiC nano composite plating
- Al2O3/SiC纳米复相陶瓷 Al2O3/SiC nanocomposite
- 微-纳米复合陶瓷超声振动磨削的塑性-脆性转变特征研究 Brittle-ductile Transition of Micro-nano Composite Ceramics Using Ultrasonic Vibration Grinding
- Ni-SiC纳米复合镀层耐高温氧化性能的分析 Analysis of Pyro-oxidation Resistance of Ni-SiC Nano Composite Coatings
- Al2O3/YSZ复合陶瓷 Al2O3/YSZ composite ceramics
- SiC纳米线 SiC nanowires
- Al2O3/ZrO2复合陶瓷 Al2O3/ZrO2 composite ceramics
- SiC纳米涂层 SiC nano coating
- 纤维增强复合陶瓷材料制品内部质量无损检测与评价方法 Non-destructive testing and evaluation methods for internal quality of fiber-reinforced composite ceramic products
- SiC纳米颗粒 SiC nano-particles
- 复合陶瓷 composite ceramics
- β-SiC纳米纤维 β-SiC nano-fibers
- 纳米复合镀层与微米及普通镍磷合金镀层性能的比较研究 Comparative Study on the Performance of Nanometer Composite Coating, Micron and Ordinary Ni-P Alloy Layer
- BN-SiN复合陶瓷薄膜技术强化内燃机车增压器密封环的研究 Study on Reinforcing the Supercharger Seal of Diesel Locomotive by BN-SiN Multiple Ceramic Membrane Technology
- SiC纳米材料制备及应用 The preparation and application of SiC nanophase materials
- 复合陶瓷粉 ceramic compound powder
- 碳毡中SiC纳米线的制备 Fabrication of SiC Nano-Threads within Carbon Felt
- 纳米复合 nanocomposite