- Al2O3破碎 breaking of A1203 film
- 你能把破碎的花瓶粘合起来吗? Can you glue the broken vase together?
- 高Al2O3 high Al2O3
- 一颗核动力卫星的破碎解体 the disintegration of a nuclear-powered satellite
- Al2O3膜 Al2O3 coating
- 水晶上的一处裂纹导致了它的破碎 A flaw in the crystal that caused it to shatter.
- -αAl2O3 α-Al2O3
- 你能把破碎的花瓶黏合起来吗? Can you glue the broken vase together?
- θ-Al2O3 θ-Al2O3
- 加保破碎险的费用由谁负担? Who will pay the premium for the risk of breakage?
- Al2O3载体 alumina carrier
- 这玻璃杯易破碎。 This glass easily flies.
- Al2O3浓度 density of Al2O3
- 容易破碎的材料 a material having a tendency to fritter
- α-Al2O3 α-Al2O3
- 我们可以为你们加保破碎险。 We can cover the Risk of Breakage for you.
- γ-Al2O3 γ-Al2O3
- 这些茶杯容易破碎。 These cups chip easily.
- Al2O3陶瓷 Al2O3 ceramic
- 焦炭在高温下很有活性,而且有足够的强度在高炉底也不会破碎。 It is reactive at high temperatures, and strong enough to avoid being crushed near the bottom of the blast furnace.