- Al2O3基复相陶瓷 Al2O3 matrix composites
- Al2O3基复相涂层 Al2O3-based multiphase coatings
- Al2O3基纳米复相陶瓷 alumina-based nanocomposite
- BN-AlN基复相陶瓷 BN-AlN composites
- TiB2-SiC基复相陶瓷 TiB2-SiC matrix composites
- Al2O3基复合材料 Al2O3 matrix composite
- 铝基复台材料 Al - matrix composites
- 流动相 moving phase
- 胺基 amidocyanogen
- 采用超微Al2O3粉和热压烧结工艺制备出两种Al2O3基陶瓷(Al2O3-MgO-TiC、Al2O3-MgO-TiC-Y-PSZ)。 Mechanical properties of Al 2O 3/TiC (AMT) and Al 2O 3/TiC/ZrO 2(AZT) ceramics prepared with ultrafine Al 2O 3 powders were investigated.
- 稀土氧化物对氧化铝复相陶瓷显微结构和力学性能的影响 Effects of Rare Earth Oxides on the Microstructure and the Mechanical Properties of Zirconia Toughened Alumina Ceramics
- 洛基 Loki
- 长效硝基复混肥研制与小麦田间试验总结 Report on preparation of long-efficiency ammonium phospho-nitrate compounded fertilizer and field experiment of wheat
- 陶瓷印相法 photoceramics
- 溶胶-凝胶法引入烧结助剂制备SiC-Y_3Al_5O_(12)复相陶瓷 Preparation of SiC-Y_3Al_5O_(12)composite ceramics by adding sintering aids via sol-gel method
- 陶瓷基砂 [机] ceramic base sand
- 复相平衡;复杂平衡 heterogeneous equilibrium
- 中碳低合金复相组织抗磨钢锤头的研制 Development and Application of Mid-carbon Low-alloying Wear-resistance Steel Hammerhead with Multi-phase
- 经济型低碳贝氏体复相钢的开发及应用 Development and application of economical low carbon bainite dual phase hot rolled steel strip