- Al膜 Al coatings
- 纳米Al膜 nano aluminum films
- Ga2O3/Al膜 Ga2O3/Al films
- 膜 (n) membrane; film
- 氩气分压与膜厚对溅射Al膜微结构及应力的影响 Effect of Ar pressure and film thickness on the microstructure and stress properties of Al films
- 面膜 facial mask
- 膜的 membranous
- 保鲜膜 preservative film
- Ar压强对硅基Al膜应力和微结构的影响 Effect of Ar Pressure on Stress and Microstructure of Al Films Grown on Si Wafers
- 膜拜 prostrate
- 覆膜 tectorial membrane
- 贴膜 pad pasting
- 子宫内膜 endometrium
- 包膜 envelope
- 膜片 mebrane
- 盖膜 velum
- 离子镀Al膜横截面组织变化的TEM观察 TEM Observation of Change in Mincroctructure of Ion-Plated AI Films
- 塑料膜 plastic film
- 眼膜 retina
- 内膜 intima