- Airborne Corps Operation Plan 空降部队作战计划
- During the Persian Gulf War, General Luck commanded the XVIII Airborne Corps. 勒克将军是一名非常有经验的陆军飞行员,他最初是作为一名庄稼军官来训练的。
- Operation plan was made carefully and scientifically. 制定科学、周密、详尽的手术预案。
- They had no operational plan except to hang on. 他们除坚守以外并没有其他作战计划。
- The specific site operation plan is submitted by superintendent of constructional force. 具体现场施工计划由施工队负责人提前一天提交。
- The government authorities shall not force a venture to carry out any production and operation plan worked out by any governmental authority. 政府部门不得强令合作企业执行政府部门确定的生产经营计划。
- Develop production schedule and plant operations plan. 完成生产计划及工厂操作计划。
- Conclusion 16 slice spiral CT is better method in the diagnosis of meningioma,giving more help for the design of the operation plan. 结论16层螺旋CT脑血管造影在脑膜瘤的诊断中更具优势,特别有助于外科手术方案的设计。
- US Pacific fleet Commander-in-Chief Admiral Nimitz drew up immediately has coped with Isoroku Yamamoto's operation plan. 美国太平洋舰队总司令尼米兹海军上将立即制订了对付山本五十六的作战计划。
- Responsibilities:1. responsible for business management and the strategy to hit the annual operation plan in China. Segm...... ... 公司名称:万代半导体元件(上海)有限公司工作地点:上海市浦东新区发布时间:2009-7-23
- Yesterday's operation plan: continue to hold Sany Heavy Industry, rose to 18.8 yuan more than non-trading closed higher on the left half of the plate. 昨日操作计划:三一重工继续持有,上涨到18.;8元以上不封涨停板就高抛一半。
- His operational plans have been completely upset. 他们的作战计划完全被打乱了。
- Assist GM on drafting Company Strategy, participate in drafting Annual Operation Plan and Budget Plan, decision-making of important financial, personnel and operation issues. 协助总经理(德国人)制定公司发展战略;参与制定公司年度经营计划和预算方案;参与公司重大财务、人事、业务问题的决策;
- The bank plan a rescue operation for the company. 银行计划对这个公司采取挽救措施。
- Smoking is forbidden until the plane is airborne. 飞机升空时禁止吸烟。
- Corps Operating Budget Resources Analysis 军工作预算资源分析
- The operative plan has become the classic type for all such directives. 行动计划成了所有这类命令的卓越典范。
- Marine Corps Operations Analysis Group 陆战队作战分析大队
- Signal Corps operations Simulation 通信兵作战仿真
- West Coast Corps is a large corporation. 西海岸公司是个大型公司。