- Results Complication rates of the three types in short period after oper... 结论结肠造口以腹膜外法为首选,一旦出现造口狭窄、造口旁疝、造口脱垂应尽早手术。
- The doctor put him on a diet after operation. 手术之后,医生规定了他的饮食。
- HAE was performed after operation. 采用肝癌切除取尽癌栓,解除胆管梗阻的方法,术后行HAE等治疗。
- Redislocation wasnt occurred after operation. 术后均无脱位。
- Do unplug the unit after operation. 使用后务必拔下产品的插头。
- However, many doctors have advised against aspirin both before and after operations. 但是有许多医生反对术前术后服用阿司匹林,
- Objective:Study the effects of decrease complications after operations by using the Slim sucker liposuction. 目的:探讨小吸管吸脂术在减少手术并发症方面的作用。
- The damage ratio of superficial nerve was lower after operations for parotid glands. 浅叶及良性肿瘤术后面神经损伤率低。
- Sellers could be checked for disease and drug use, and cared for after operations. 卖主可以经过疾病及药物使用的医疗检查,并可在术后获得照顾。
- Results Their visions after operations were satisfactory.Uveitis and posterior capsule proliferation we... 结果术后矫正视力满意,葡萄膜炎及后囊膜混浊为术后主要并发症。
- The doctor put him on a liquid diet after operation. 手术之后医生规定他吃流食。
- After operation, a patient must be put under close observation. 手术后,必须对病人进行仔细观察。
- After operation, she was confined to bed for a week. 她手术之后已卧床一星期了。
- Aescin is being used in brain edema, open injuries, swelling after operations, venous return flow diseases. 七叶皂甙用于脑水肿,创伤或手术后引起的肿胀;与静脉回流障碍性疾病。
- ERG was performed before injection and 7 day after operation. 术前及术后第 7d 对照眼及实验眼暗适应下行 ERG 检查。
- ACT significantly decreased 48 h after operation(P<0.05). ACT在术后48h时缩短(P<0.;05);
- Follow-up every one month in the first half year after operation. 动态心电图检查起搏功能良好。
- After operation, the symptoms of tinnitus disappeared thoroughly. 其中4例伴眩晕者术后眩晕亦消失。
- All eyes visual acuity was improved after operation. 15眼(30.;00%25)术中新发现裂孔。
- Results:The volume of cholecyst was increased after operation. 结果:胃或十二指肠术后胆囊容积增大,胆结石发生占51。