- Ability of Subjective Activity 主观能动性
- In essence, playing games is a kind of subject activity with the properties of spontaneousness, independence, illusion, experience and non-utility. 游戏是人类生存、活动的基本方式,更是儿童展现生命存在与活力的舞台。
- The important tusk of subject education is training the person with ability of literacy and humanism. 培养兼具科学和人文双重品质的人才,是赋予学科教育的重要使命。
- Subjectivity demands purpose, initiative, and creativity.Consequentially subjective activity is required, which is a typical characteristic of subjectivity. 主体性包括目的性、自主性、主动性、创造性等,简而言之,即主观能动性。
- Please test the ability of our newly developed full automatic camera. 请试验一下本公司最新出品全自动相机的能力。
- There is no continuity of subject in a dictionary. 词典的主题是没有连续性的。
- His reading covers a wide range of subjects. 他阅读的书籍涉及多种学科。
- He has the ability of take care of his difficult. 他有自己照顾自身困难的本领。
- Our skin has the ability of regeneration. 我们的皮肤具有再生功能。
- An employer should appraise the ability of his men. 雇主应该鉴定员工的能力。
- Complete freedom of subject matter. 完全自由的主题事项。
- The acting abilities of both are well-known. 两人的表演才能都是众所周知的。
- Covering a wide field of subjects; rambling. 主题不明的,东拉西扯的包含很大范围的主题; 杂乱无章的
- She lacks the ability of adjustment in work. 她在工作中缺乏机变的能力。
- Deep see fish oil improves the ability of immunity. 配合天然薰衣草和甘菊萃取精华,舒缓宝宝的心情的同时,令宝宝头发清爽滋润,柔顺易梳理。
- The ability of animals to survive decreases. 动物们的生存能力低下。
- The speaker discoursed knowledgeably on a variety of subjects. 演讲者头头是道地论述了一系列问题。
- Practice, in Feng Qi's Broader Epistemology, is both the subjective activity itself of human being, and its affirmation. 实践,在冯契的广义认识论中,既是人的主体能动性本身,又是人的主体能动性的确证。
- Carefulness and Ability of handling detailed work. 工作细心、善于处理日常事务。
- Possess the corresponding ability of self-study. 具备相当的自学能力以适应科技发展的需要。