- ATP协议 A TP agreement
- 协议 pact
- 协议的 consultative
- 达成协议 make terms
- 补充协议 complementary agreement
- 保密协议 Confidentiality agreement
- 网络协议 network protocol
- 合作协议 cooperation agreement
- 通信协议 communication protocols
- 传输协议 transport protocols
- 代理协议 agency agreement
- 框架协议 framework agreement
- 通讯协议 protocol
- 协议价格 agreement price
- 同意达成一致;达成协议 To reach an agreement; come to terms.
- 签订协议 sign an agreement
- 协议栈 protocol stack
- 口头协议 poral agreement
- 我们私下订立协议把房子卖了。 We sold the house by private treaty.
- 他们匆匆达成和平协议。 They patched up a hasty peace.