- AT牵引供电 AT traction power system
- 同相AT牵引供电 co-phase auto-transformer(AT) traction power supply
- 全并联AT牵引供电 entirely parallel AT traction power supply system
- 牵引 (v) tow; pull
- 牵引供电综合自动化系统的改进探讨 Improvement and Discussion for Traction Power Supply Comprehensive Automation System
- 铁路电力牵引供电施工技术安全规则 Technical safety regulation for construction of railway electric traction feeding
- 牵引机 hauling machine
- AT供电 AT-fed
- 牵引器 retractor
- 对称供电 symmetrical powering
- 现今农民用牵引机耕地。 Farmers now use tractors to plow their fields.
- 不要乱弄供电线路。 Don't meddle with the electrical wiring.
- 牵引装置 tow attachment
- 半供电压原则 half-supply voltage principle
- 牵引电机 pulling motor
- 备用供电设备 emergency electric supply unit
- 牵引绳 haulage rope
- 据说这个电力公司向整个山谷供电。 I am inform that the power company service the entire valley.
- 我们使用拖拉机牵引农业机械。 We use tractors to pull farm machinery.
- 并联供电 parallel operation