- AT命令集 AT command sets
- 命令 (an) order or command
- 监测系统基于Windows NT系统,利用Visual C++,Microsoft Access和SQL语言编写了监测软件,软件主要包括了数据库的应用,AT命令集对Modem的控制,串口通信等几个部分。 The monitoring system bases on Windows NT operating system. Using software such as Visual C++, Microsoft Access and SQL language, we designed monitoring system that includes application of database, controlling of Modem by AT commands, serial-port communication and so on.
- 命令提示符 command prompt
- 命令行 command lines
- 命令的 mandatory
- 他被命令交出他的枪。 He was ordered to surrender his gun.
- 外部命令 external command
- 执行命令 executive command
- 她的请求含有命令意味。 Her request savored of a command.
- 警长命令对这一案件作彻底调查。 The superintendent ordered a thorough investigation of the case.
- 他命令她走。 He ordered her to go.
- 服从命令 obey command; obey orders; toe the mark; hew the line
- 部队接到命令在前哨周围筑壕加强防卫。 The troops received orders to trench the outpost.
- 命令按钮 command button
- AT命令 AT command
- 去给他们一点颜色看看,使他们害怕,这样他们就会服从命令了。 Go out there and put the fear of God into them, so that they obey orders.
- 下达命令 issue an order
- 这位部长命令要作详细调查。 The minister decreed that there should be a full investigation.
- 他做了个命令式的手势。 He made an imperative gesture.