- 基于ASP与COM组件技术的高校院(系)计算机网站设计 Computer Website Design Based ASP and COM Module Technique for University and College
- ASP与COM组件 ASP & COM module
- 最近几年,出现了几个工具,它们启用了Java组件与COM组件之间的轻量级集成。 A few tools have emerged in recent years that enable lightweight interactions between Java components and COM components.
- .NET组件与COM组件的互操作 InterOperation Between Component of .NET and COM
- 工程机械管理中的VR与COM组件技术 VR and COM component technologies in construction machinery management
- 针对实际需求,本论文将ASP技术与COM组件技术相结合来开发一个具体的分布式系统-案事件管理信息系统。 In the thesis a distributed system called CMIS(Case Management Of Information System) has been designed regarding practical demand.
- Windows平台下基于COM组件技术的WebMail系统设计与实现 The Design and Implimentation of WebMail System Based on COM Technology on Windows
- 介绍了一种基于Office Web Components 11.0(OWC11)COM组件在Asp. The method of exporting excel report based on Office Web Components 11.0 is introduced in this article, which can be downloaded to the client in the environment of asp.
- 基于COM技术的VR-GIS组件的设计与开发 The Design and Development of VR-GIS Components Based on the COM Technology
- 基于COM组件的FCS组态技术的研究与实现 Research and Implementation of FCS Configuration Technology Based on COM Component
- COM组件 COM component
- COM组件及其开发流程 COM Component and its Program Flow
- COM组件技术 COM component technology
- COM组件的应用 The Application of COM Component
- COM组件技术。 COM technique.
- COM组件技术探究 The Research of Component Technology of COM
- COM组件的备份和恢复引擎研究 A Survey of the Backup and Recovery Engine of COM Component
- 最常见的症状是:从托管代码对非托管COM组件的调用未返回任何结果。 The most common symptom is that a call on an unmanaged COM component from managed code does not return.
- 应用Matlab制作COM组件 Build COM Components with Matlab COM Builder
- COM组件线程管理模型解析 Analyzing of Threading Models in COM