- ASM测试方法 ASM test mode
- ASM测试 ASM test
- 测试 measure and test
- 应用模糊控制理论和技术,设计并开发了基于P-FUZZY-PI复合控制的ASM测试扭矩控制器; The dynamometer torque controller of ASM is designed and developed based on P-Fuzzy-PI compound control.
- 用这种方式对每种催化剂建立一套催化剂卖主和用户都满意的测试方法。 In this manner a set of tests has evolved to the satisfaction of vendor and catalyst user for each catalyst.
- 耐划伤性测试方法 Test Method for Mar Resistance of Coatings Film
- 过去,Linux内核测试方法围绕开放源代码开发模型进行。 Historically, the approach to testing the Linux kernel has centered around the open source development model.
- 用液相色谱法测定乳液聚合物中游离甲醛的标准测试方法 Standard Test Method for Determination of Free Formaldehyde in Emulsion Polymers by Liquid Chromatography
- 压实的和松疏的沥青铺砌混合料中空隙百分比的测试方法 Standard Test Method for Percent Air Voids in Compacted Dense and Open Bituminous Paving Mixtures
- 手术方法,测试方法... Surgical procedures, assay (immunohistochemistry, molecular biology...)
- 数字交换机的时钟和同步设备进入数字网的兼容性测试方法 Compatibility test procedures of clock and synchronization equipment of digital switch introduced into digital network
- 整体测试方法 An integral approach to testing
- 汞测试方法 mercury testing method
- 织物悬垂性图像测试方法 Image test method for fabric drape
- ODS测试方法 ODS's testing method
- 剪切测试方法 Method of shear test for wood
- 产品测试方法 Method of testing of product
- 粘度测试方法 Methods for measurement and test of the viscosity
- 脉冲测试方法 pulse test method
- 自动测试方法 automatic testing method