- AP2/EREBP转录因子 AP2/EREBP transcription factor
- AP2/EREBP转录因子在花发育和逆境胁迫应答过程中起重要作用。 根据该家族基因所含的AP2/EREBP结构域的数目不同可将其分为两类,AP2和EREBP亚家族。 The AP2/EREBP transcription factors play roles in floral development of andthe resposnses of plants to adverse stresses, and they are divided into AP2 subfamily withtwo AP2 domains and EREBP subfamily with single AP2 domain.
- Sakuma等人将拟南芥中的145个AP2/EREBP转录因子分成5类:AP2类(14 genes),RAV类(6 genes),DREB类(即CBF,56 genes),ERF类(即EREBP,65 genes)和其它(4 genes)。 The 145 AP2/EREBP transcription factors were classified into five groups: AP2 (14 genes), RAV (6 genes), DREB (also referred as CBF, 56 genes), ERF (also referred as EREBP, 65 genes) and others (4 genes) on the basis of number and similarity of the DNA-binding domain in Arabidopsis, of which, DREB and ERF might be involved in abiotic and biotic stress responses.
- 因子 factor
- 转录因子 transcription factor
- AP2/ERF转录因子 AP2/ERF Transcription factor
- 水稻EREBP型转录因子基因OsBIERFs和F-box蛋白基因OsHIHN-n11的克隆鉴定与功能分析 Molecular Cloning and Functional Analysis of EREBP-type Transcription Factor Gene OsBIERFs and an F-box Gene OsHIHN-n11
- 基础转录因子 basal transcription factor
- 拟南芥耐干旱相关转录因子DREB1A基因的克隆及序列分析 Cloning and Sequence Analysis of Transcription Factor DREB1A Gene Related to Drought Tolerance from Arabidopsis
- 转录因子-4 Transcription factor 4
- 转录因子E2F Transcription factor E2F
- 转录因子Gli Transcription factor Gli
- 转录因子Spl Transcription factor Sp1
- 转录因子Sp3 Transcription factor Sp3
- 转录因子类 Transcription factors
- CBF转录因子 CBF transcription factor
- MYB转录因子 MYB transcription factor
- ERF转录因子 ERF transcription factor
- NAC转录因子 NAC transcription factor