- AIS关键技术的DSP实现 The Realization of Critical Technology of AIS Basing on DSP
- 本课题围绕嵌入式crt色度计进行系统设计和关键技术的研究与实现。 This essay focuses on not only the system design, but also the research and completion of the key technology, which are used by embedded CRT colorimeter.
- 用于补偿不平衡非线性负载的三相有源滤波器新控制算法的DSP实现 DSP-Based Implementation of an Improved Control Algorithm of a Three-Phase Active Filter for Compensation of Unbalanced Non-Linear Loads
- CBT动画制作系统中关键技术的研究及实现 Research and Implementation of Key Techniques in CBT Animation System
- 在Cradle3400的DSP开发板上实现并验证了算法可行性,评估了其性能。 The algorithm has been realized and validated to be feasible on a DSP demo board based on Cradle3400,and its performance has also been evaluated.
- WCDMA关键技术的研究 Research in the Key Technologies of WCDMA
- 射线图像无损压缩的DSP实现 Realize the Lossless Compression of Radiogram with DSP
- ()中的关键技术包括语音识别技术和语音技术和语言合成技术。 () Center essential technology including speech recognition technology and pronunciation technology and language synthesis technology.
- 模块化电源关键技术的研究 Key technology of power module
- 软件无线电基带处理系统的DSP实现 Implementation of the base-band section of a software-defined radio system based on DSP
- 基于倍频扫描技术的DSP的研究 Study of DSP Based on Double Frequency Scanning Technique
- 超大规模集成电路的进展将对世界经济发生很大影响,因为它是信息时代的关键技术。 Advances in VLSI will have a profound effect on the world economy, because VLSI is the key technology for the Information Age.
- 直接数字频率合成的DSP实现 Direct Digital Frequency Synthesizer Implementation with DSP
- APS星敏感器关键技术的研究 Study on Key Technique of APS Star Sensor
- 大规模舞台控制系统的DSP实现 Realization with DSP in Large-scale Stage Control System
- 利用预警卫星视线(LOS)测量对弹道导弹目标的跟踪问题是空间预警系统的关键技术. Trajectory tracking by using the measurement of LOS(Line-of-Sight) from space-based infrared sensors is one of the key technologies in the space early warning system.
- 直流调速系统模糊控制的DSP实现 Fuzzy Control DC Regulation Systems Based on DSP Chip
- 数字视频关键技术的若干新进展 A survey on recent advances in digital video technology
- 基于提升方案的无损图像压缩系统的DSP实现 DSP Implementation of Lifting Scheme Used in Lossless Compression of Image
- 数控加工物理仿真关键技术的初探 Initial Study on Key Technology of Physical Simulation of Numerically Controlled Machining