- AES加密算法 Advanced Encryption Standard Algorithm
- AES加密算法在条件接收系统中的应用 The application of the AES encryption arithmetic in the conditional access system
- AES加密标准是2000年10月美国国家标准与技术研究所( NIST )提出来的新型加密算法标准,用来取代上一代的DES数据加密标准。 AES is a new data encryption standard which bring forward by NIST in Oct 2000. It has substituted the Data Encryption Standard (DES) which has twenty-year application history.
- 文中在概述了AES(高级加密标准)算法基本原理的基础上,以FPGA为硬件平台,Altera公司的QuartusII为工具,设计了AES加密算法在AP(AccessPoint)中的硬件实现。 Taking PFGA as hardware desktop and making use of Quartus II of Altera company as tools, the author designs hardware realization of AES encrypt algorithm in AP (Access Point) based on the algorithm principle theory of AES (Advanced Encryption Standard).
- 使用loop-AES加密的分区,启动的时候将会有下面的提示信息 For partitions encrypted using loop-AES you will be shown the following prompt during the boot
- 全变异二进制位量子加密算法对电子政务实施的安全方案 Secure scheme of completely-varied binary quantum crypto algorithm implemented on e-government
- 块加密算法 block cipher
- 使用带冲突避免的多路存取载波侦听CSMA/CA方式分配信道; 有确认的超时重传和CRC校验保证通讯可靠性:AES加密解密保证通讯安全。 IEEE802.15.4 employs a fully handshake protocol with ITU-16 CRC and CSMA/CA for data transfer reliability and embeds the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) for data transfer security.
- RSA加密算法 RSA encryption algorithm
- DES加密算法 DES encrypt arithmetic
- DH加密算法 DH encryption algorithm
- RC5加密算法 RC5 encryption arithmetic
- 同态加密算法 additive homomorphic encryption
- 先进加密算法 advance encryption algorithm (AES)
- 在研究分析了AES加密原理的基础上着重说明了AES算法实现的具体步骤,并用C语言完整地实现了AES算法,并利用密文分组链接(CBC)方式将其用于对文件的加密/解密(密钥长度可选)。 Based on the investigation to the principle and specifications of AES, an effective implementation of AES block cipher is completed and the document encryption and decryption is also completed by using Cipher Block Chaining (CBC).
- 高级加密算法 advanced encryption standard (AES)
- 分组加密算法 block encryption algorithm
- 复合加密算法 complex encryption algorithms