- A secular law, rule, or code of law. 世俗法规世俗的法律、制度或法典
- We live in an increasingly secular society. 我们生活在一个日益非宗教的社会。
- We live in a secular age, and I'm a product of it. 我们生活在一个非宗教的时代,我是这个时代的产物。
- Why would there be a secular tea room in the Heian era? 平安时代怎会有这种现代化的客厅啊?
- Either way, Europe has become a very secular society in the last sixty years. 无论是哪种情况,欧洲都已在近60年的时间里变成了一个非常世俗的社会。
- A secular society 世俗主义的社会
- Maybe, we can refind the nature of us back from this secular society and really know how us feel inside. 吃几天粗茶淡饭,过几天清心寡欲的生活,没准,你可以在物欲横流的大千世界找回真正的自己,返璞归真呢?
- The metamorphosis comes from misunderstandings and misuses on "harmony" by secular society. 究其缘由,主要是世俗社会对和谐的误解、曲解以及运用的失误。
- Under the Reformation, nuns in nunneries had made different choices with their different situations, some kept on to live in the convents, some other returned secular society. 修女院的修女们根据各自不同的情况做出了不同的选择,有的留在了修道院内,有的回归了世俗。
- His calling for justice and morality doesn't correspond with secular society and reflects the real life from another aspect and shows the tension of multi-society. 作品对正义道德的呼唤表现出与世俗社会的不协调,从另一层面反映了生活的真实,显示了多元社会的张力。
- Until does not need to come from again a secular world center point light. 直到再也不需要来自俗尘中点点灯光,。
- Confronting with the secular society, they were endowed with much secularity. 但因置身世俗社会,她们的活动又被赋予了世俗特性。
- Sartre's existentialism is a secular one from a Cartesian perspective. 摘要萨特的存在主义是在笛卡尔视角中的世俗存在主义。
- Unlike many liberals, Rawls was not the product of a secular culture. 与许多自由主义者不同,罗尔斯并不是世俗文化的产物。
- During its historical development, Daoism not only regulated the internal life of Daoist communities by the establishment of a sacred cosmos, but also influenced family ethics, socio-economic ethics and the legal systems of secular society. 本文基于宗教社会学、宗教伦理学、历史学等理论,综合运用资料考证、个例分析、综合归纳、多面比较等研究方法,以道教戒律为切入点,来研究在传统社会秩序的建构及其动态调节过程中,道教伦理所发挥的重要作用。
- A secular shift to inflation in the US, reversing two decades of disinflationary policy. 美国向通货膨胀的长期转变扭转了二十年来的反通货膨胀政策。
- I suppose you also have a caste system in your society. 我想你们的社会里也有一种等级制度。
- For the first time and the last time the League of Nations seemed to have at its disposal a secular arm. 国际联盟似乎第一次也是最后一次操有一种永久性的武器。
- You can say whatever you like. I am a secular human being who does not believe in the supernatural. 你愿意怎么说就怎么说?我是一个世俗的人,不信奉任何超自然物。
- She delivered a talk on philosophy to the society. 她给学会作了一次有关哲学的讲话。