- A组乙型溶血性链球菌 group A of Streptococcus
- A组乙型溶血性链球菌膜蛋白抗原纯化及其在风湿性心脏炎发病中意义的探讨 Purification of protein antigens of group A hemolytic streptococcal membrane and its significance on the onset of rheumatic carditis
- B组乙型溶血性链球菌 group B beta-hemolyteic streptococus
- A组乙型链球菌脂磷壁酸的提取及其交叉反应性研究 Extraction of lipoteichoic acid from group A streptococcal and cross-reactivity test between lipoteichoic acid and antigen of human cardiac valve
- 与β溶血性链球菌,链44球菌性肺炎及血型A有关的M抗原,M抗原 M antigen(β-hemolytic streptococci, Streptococcus pneumoniae, and blood group A)
- A组B-溶血性链球菌 group A B-haemolytic streptococci
- 不仅A而且 not merely A but also B
- 板型 mplate
- 慢性乙型肝炎患者 cases with chronic hepatitis B
- 谢二矿深部A组煤底板岩溶水的防治 Precaution of Karsts water of deep part of seams in Group A in Xie'er mine
- 治疗性乙型肝炎疫苗 Therapeutic vaccine
- 不溶血性葡萄球菌 anhemolytic staphylococcus
- 乙型,慢性 chronic
- A组包括正常对照组、假手术组及DBI组。 Group A included normal control, sham operated control and DBI group.
- 仔猪败血性链球菌病的诊治 Diagnosis and treatment to piglet septic-streptococcicosis disease
- 乙型肝炎二对半 Two pairs of semi-hepatitis B
- 特发性溶血性贫血 idiopathic hemolytic anemia
- A组诱导前静注 ESM 1 .5mg/kg,1 min注完 ; Group A,esmolol(ESM)1 5 mg/kg iv before induction;
- 淤胆型乙型肿炎 cholestatic hepalitis B
- 育肥猪急性败血性链球菌病的诊治 Diagnosis and Treatment of Acute and Septicemic Streptococcocicosis of Fattening Pigs