- A的钢笔比B多。 A has more pens than B.
- B的钢笔比A少。 B have fewer pen than.
- 我的钢笔比你的漂亮。 My pen is nicer than yours.
- a的墨水比b少。 A have less ink than B.
- N-B多元素甘蔗专用杀虫复合肥试验初报 A Field Trial Report of N-B Special Multiple Elements Compound Fertilizer Mixed with Insecticide
- 比 ratio
- pH敏感性壳聚糖多核星型聚合物的制备及其对辅酶A的控制释放 Preparation of pH Sensitive Multiple Cored Star-shaped Chitosan and Its Controlled Delivery on Coenzyme A
- 桑迪的钢笔比米妮少。 Sandy has fewer pens than Minnie.
- 谁拿走了我的钢笔? Who took away my pen?
- 我买了东西给令堂,还有给弗雷多的领带,给汤姆的钢笔。 I got something for your mother and for Sonny and a tie for Freddy, and Tom Hagen got the Reynolds pen.
- A比B高 A is taller than B
- 我的钢笔容易漏墨水。 My pen blots easily.
- 视觉刺激仪、凸透镜和三棱镜综合训练对儿童近视眼AC/A的影响 Effects of combined training with CAMP vision simulating apparatus,convex lens and triple prism on AC/A in adolescent with myopia
- 科比 Bryant
- 谁拿走我的钢笔了? Who's collared my pen?
- 例如,如果您用具有5个像素宽度的钢笔绘制带帽的直线,并且 For example, if you are drawing a capped line with a pen that has a width of 5 pixels, and the
- 宽度吃水比B/T B/T
- 我们称-a为a的加性逆元素。 We call -a the additive inverse of a.
- 谁借了我的钢笔? Who has borrowed my pen?
- 方阵A的行列式 Determinant of the square matrix A