- A比B大很多。 A is a lot larger than B.
- a比b大得多。 A is much larger than b.
- A比B高 A is taller than B
- A比B少。 A is fewer than b.
- A比B重要。 A is more important than B.
- 在强度、尺寸或者数量上变得大很多 become much greater in intensity or size or amount
- 比 ratio
- A比B大3倍。 A is three times larger than B.
- A比B运转得快得多。 A runs much faster than B.
- 铁路的营运需要很多人。 The operation of a railroad needs many men.
- 尼克的脸颊上有一道很大很深的伤口。 Nick had a large gash on his cheek.
- A比B运转得快。 A run faster than b.
- 参加聚会的人很多。 There was a large attendance at the party.
- 夏天去旧金山旅游的人很多。 San Francisco is full of tourists in the summer.
- A比B大两岁。 A be two years older than B.
- 宽度吃水比B/T B/T
- 谣言引起很多猜测。 The rumor raised much conjecture.
- 我开始学习英语已经一年多了,我高兴地说,在英语方面我的进步很大。 It's been over a year now since I began studying English, I am glad to say that I'm getting on well on well with it.
- 发出比B调低半音的音调;在打字机上打出w,t和y strike a B flat; strikew, t, and y on the typewriter.
- 告密者说了她很多坏话。 The informer has done dirt to her.