- A是B的三倍大。 A is three times as large as B.
- 画一个图来解下面的谜语,其中用aRb表示“a是b的父亲。” Solve the riddle by drawing a graph, using aRb as a is the father of b.
- 这个房间是那间的三倍大。 This room is thrice the size of that one.
- 而翻新之前,这些住宅都很难租出去,现在,需求量是供应量的三倍。 Before the retrofit, the dwellings were difficult to rent; now demand is three times greater than capacity.
- 尼日利亚是英国面积的三倍大。 Nigeria is three times the size of that Great Britain.
- 维生素A是脂溶性的,所以长期采食不可消化的油质可导致缺乏症。 Vitamin A is fat soluble so deficiencies can occur with long term ingestion of non-digestible oils.
- A是的。我的妻子现在回伦敦了。她将带她的妈妈和她一起来北京。 A Yes. My wife is back in London just now. She's bringing her mother with her to Beijing for a visit.
- 他的房间是我的房间三倍大。 His room is thrice the size of mine.
- 通过滤除UV-B或UV-B+UV-A的方法,进一步研究发现,UVR影响藻体的同光合产量和生长。 从UV-A与UV-B的作用来看,在晴天,UV-A是抑制藻体生长的主要的因素; Further experiments with solar radiation treatments by exposing the alga to solar radiation with or filtered out of UV-B or UV-A + UV-B, showed that UVR reduced its total daily net photosynthetic production.
- 它的总贸易量的三分之一是在三者之间进行的,为中国在15年前开始经济改革时的三倍。 One third of the trio's total trade is now among themselves,triple the level 15 years ago when China embarked on its economic reforms.
- 他们的房子有我们房子三倍大。 Their house is about three times as big as ours.
- 要不是国会大厦在 1834 年被烧毁,这座大钟是不会被安装起来的。 If the Houses of Parliament had not been burned down in 1834,the great clock would never have been erected.
- 弗朗西斯.培根认为学习上的三大敌人是懒惰,虚伪和造作。 Francis Bacon considers the evils of excess study: laziness, affectation and preciosity.
- 那位驾驶人体内的酒精含量超过了法律允许限度的三倍。 The driver was more than three times over the legal limit(= the amount of alcohol you are allowed to have in your body when you are driving).
- 是灾难,更是契机和动力--试论黑死病对欧洲社会的三大影响 A Disaster, but both a Chance and a Motivation--Three Affected Factors of the Black Death to Europe
- 这个城市是那个城市的三倍那么大。 This city is there times as large as that one. This city is three times the size of that one. This city is twice larger than that one.
- 矮人女战士现在获得怒气的速度是原先的三倍。 Dwarf Females now generate rage at a rate three times greater than normal.
- 天皇主义、家族国家观和武士道精神是日本国家主义的三大特征。 Mikado idea, the family-country view and Bushido are three big characteristics of the Japanese nationalism .
- 潜在的染色体异常,例如三倍体13,或母亲的糖尿病也是可能的原因。 Underlying chromosomal abnormalities, such as trisomy 13, or maternal diabetes mellitus are possible causes, but some cases are sporadic.
- 每年生产的纸的重量是全世界生产车辆重量的三倍. Paper produced every year is three times the weight of the worlds production of vehicles.