- A族链球菌碳水化合物 group A streptococcal carbohydrate; ACHO
- A 族链球菌碳水化合物 group A streptococcal carbohydrate
- A族链球菌 Group A streptococcus (GAS)
- A族链球菌抗原 M antigen
- 川崎病与A族链球菌 Group A streptococcus and Kawasaki disease
- 糖脂质含有碳水化合物的一种脂类物质 A lipid that contains carbohydrate groups.
- A族链球菌(GAS) Group A Streptococcus (GAS)
- 胼胝质一种枝条繁杂的碳水化合物,与筛网原素的筛网区域相配合 A complex branched carbohydrate commonly associated with sieve areas of sieve elements.
- 碳水化合物组分 carbohydrate fractions
- A族链球菌与感染性皮肤病 Group A streptococcus and infectious dermatosis
- 碳水化合物/血液 carbohydrate/BL
- A族链球菌严重全身性感染 Severe generalized infection caused by Group A streptococcus
- 无论是肝或是其它器官中,还存在碳水化合物侧链的其它残基的受体。 There are also receptors for other residues on the carbohydrate side chains, both in liver and other organs.
- 腺病毒A族 adenovirus group A
- ⅣA族重元素 Ⅳ A heavy element
- 一种白色的晶状碳水化合物,用作甜味剂和防腐剂。 a white crystalline carbohydrate used as a sweetener and preservative.
- A族链球菌与急性坏死性筋膜炎 Group A streptococcus infection and acute necrotizing fancititis
- 酮糖含酮基的一种碳水化合物 Any of various carbohydrates containing a ketone group.
- A族链球菌胶乳凝集检测试剂盒 Strep A Rapid Detection Kit
- 碳水化合物热 food fever