- A型超声仪,A型显示器 A-scope
- A型超声仪 A-mode ultrasonic apparatus
- A型超声显示仪 A-scope
- A型显示器 A-scope
- A型超声 A-mode ultrasonic; A-mode ultrasound
- A型显示器(距离显示器) A scope(range indicator)
- A型超声法 A-mode echography
- A型 A Mode; A-form
- 猪流感病毒是一种A型流感病毒,因而列入正粘病毒组中。 Swine influenza virus is a type A influenza virus and as such is placed in the orthomyxovirus group.
- A型肉毒毒素局部注射治疗贲门失弛缓症前后的食管动力研究 Research on esophagus kinematics before and after treatment of achalasia of cardia with injection of type A kerotoxin
- 天然卫生杀虫剂灭害霸A型和B型对蟑螂、蚂蚁的防治效果 Effects of Natural Hygienic Insecticide Miehaiba A and B on Preventing Cockroaches and Ants
- A型超声(波) A-mode ultrasonic
- 闭合复位逆行交锁髓内钉治疗股骨髁上A型骨折16例临床分析 The clinical analysis on closed reduction treatment of 16 cases with supracondylar type A fracture of the femur with retrograde intramendullary interlocking nail
- COOLER EXPRESS普及A型单冷却头CPU压缩机低温冷冻电脑超频冷却器 COOLER EXPRESS General-Type A Compressor-Using Single Evaporator Computer Hyper-Cooling Unit CPU Cooling COOLER EXPRESS
- 膀胱壁内注射A型肉毒毒素治疗脊髓损伤患者神经原性膀胱的初步临床观察 Treatment of neurogenic bladder associated with spinal cord injury with botulinum-A toxin injected into bladder wall
- A型显示仪 A-scope
- A型肉毒毒素对硝酸甘油引发偏头痛大鼠颈静脉血和脑干内降钙素基因相关肽水平的调节 Botulinum toxin type A for modulating calcitonin gene-related peptide contents in jugular plasma and brain stem of migraine model rats triggered by nitroglycerin
- A型血 blood group A
- A型极光 aurora of type A
- A型柱 A-shaped column