- A型行为与抑郁症 Type A behavior and depression
- 双相障碍与抑郁症的A型行为比较 A Comparison of Type A Behavior in Bipolar Disorder and Depressive
- 大学生A型行为与心理健康的相关研究 Correlation Research of A-type Behavior and Mental Health of College Students in Normal University
- 目的通过探讨A型行为与脑血管疾病的关系,为临床脑血管病患者心理行为的干预提供依据。 Aim To explore the relationship of type A behavior to cere-brovascular diseases.
- 中学教师A型行为与疲劳及主观幸福感关系的研究 Study on Relationship of A Type Behaviors, Fatigue and Subjective Well- being among Middle School Teachers
- 大学生成才教育与抑郁症的辅助治疗 Talent-oriented Education and the Assistant Treatment of College Students'Psychological Depression
- 医务人员工作中社会心理因素与抑郁症状的关系 Association between social psychological factors and depressive symptoms among healthcare workers
- 神经性障碍与抑郁症患者脑电图比较分析 Comparison on characteristics of EEG between neurotic disorder and depression patients
- A型行为 type A behavior pattern
- 下丘脑-垂体-肾上腺轴与抑郁症的相关性 Correlation between hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal gland and depression
- A型血 blood group A
- 老年慢性酒精中毒与抑郁症的抑郁症状比较 A Comparison of Depression Symptoms Between the Aged Chronic Alcoholic Patients and Patients with Depressive Disorder
- B 型行为 type B behavior
- 精神忧郁症:诊断、病理生理学与抑郁症的治疗 Melancholia: The Diagnosis, Pathophysiology And Treatment Of Depressive Illnesses
- A型沸石 zeolite A
- B型行为模式 Type B behavior pattern
- 试论七情发生和脑主神明与抑郁症病机证治的关系 Relationship Between Depression and Seven Emotions and Vitality Governed by Brain, and its Pathogenesis, Diagnosis and Treatment
- 猪流感病毒是一种A型流感病毒,因而列入正粘病毒组中。 Swine influenza virus is a type A influenza virus and as such is placed in the orthomyxovirus group.
- B 型行为类型 type B behavior pattern
- 焦虑症与抑郁症患者心理防御方式社会支持和家庭功能研究 Investigation on the defense style, social support and family function in patients with depression and anxiety