- A和B同是等距离。 Points A and B are equidistant from C.
- 用a+bi来表示一个数,a和b是实数,i是虚数单位等于-1的平方根 a number of the form a+bi where a and b are real numbers and i is the square root of -1
- 设Da,b(x,y)表示关于两个正数x和y的Stolarsky平均,其中,a和b是两个正参数. Let D_(a,b)(x,y) indicate the Stolarsky twoparameter(about a and b) class of means of two positive variables(about x and y).
- 注意,这些本征值并不是等距离分布的。 Notice that the energy eigenvalues are not equally spaced.
- 两种部分互溶的液体A和B的混合物,形成两种结合溶液:含A的B溶液和含B的A溶液。 A mixture of two partially miscible liquids A and B produces two conjugate solutions: one of A in B and another of B in A.
- 把A和B相比 parallel A with B
- 用abi来表示a和b是实数i是虚数单位等于的平方根。 a number of the form a+bi where a and b are real numbers and i is the square root of -1.
- 将A和B区别 Distinguish between A and B; identify between A and B
- 诊断性腹腔穿刺和B超检查是肝损伤病例最常用和诊断率高的方法。 Diagnostic abdominocentesis and B-mode sonography are accurate and frequent practice in diagnosing liver damage.
- 比较A和B compare...with... compare A and B
- 三糖A和B trisaccharides A and B<新生儿溶血病治疗药>
- 预研项目审批管理系统是一个结合C/S模式和B/S模式的文档管理系统。 The management system of evaluating advanced research project is a document MIS which integrates the C/S and B/S mode.
- A和B结合起来。 A integrates with B.
- a和B有什么不同? What is the difference between A and B?
- 小写字母;a和b和c等等。 lowercase letters; a and b and c etc.
- 蔬菜含有人体所需的矿物质(钙和铁)、维生素(特别是A和C)和纤维素。 "Vegetables are good sources of minerals (especially calcium and iron), vitamins (especially A and C), and dietary fiber."
- 肌磷酸化酶a和b Muscle phosphorylase a and b
- 我们把ST3作为数据来源,把Brown A和Brown B作为参考。 The ST3 of CLEC was used as the source of data.
- A和B和一样好。 A is as good as B.
- 酸枣仁皂苷A和B Jujubeside A and Jujuboside B