- 6点钟行吗? Will 6 o'clock be all right?
- 你看七点钟行吗? Is seven o'clock all right with you?
- 六点钟行吗? Will 6 o'clock be all right?
- 六点钟行吗? Will 6 o'clock be all right?
- 吗 morphine
- 今晚6点钟听众应邀可以向影子内阁的外交部长打电话提问。 Listeners are invited to phone in their question to the Shadow Foreign Secretary from six o'clock this evening.
- 每钞钟行数 lines per second
- 大告示牌上列出谢尔曼?格罗姆的掷骰子游戏是在6点钟。 Sherman Grome's crap game was listed on the big board at six.
- 行吗 all right
- 他们通常6点钟吃饭。 They usually dine at six o'clock.
- 通常,我每天6点钟起床,但在星期天妈妈破例放宽一些。 Usually I get up at six every day,but Mother stretches a point on Sundays.
- 行吗? Is it ok?
- 6点钟谁值班?-我值班。 Who will be on duty at six o'clock? ---I will.
- 她的功课行吗? Is her schoolwork up to scratch?
- 会议在6点钟结束。 The meeting wound up at six o'clock.
- 你行吗? Are you any good?
- 闹钟6点钟响把父亲唤醒。 The alarm clock went off at six o'clock and woke Father.
- 帮我把我的外套挂在钩上行吗? Will you hang my coat on the hook?
- 我们必须早上6点钟上班。 We have to check in at six in the morning.
- 你帮我把上衣挂好行吗? Will you hook my coat for me?