- 6-D-色氨酸高那瑞林 Decapeptyl
- 醋酸6-D-色氨酸高那瑞林 gonadorelin 6-D-trp acetate
- 镨甘氨酸高氯酸盐的低温热容和标准生成焓的测定 Measurement of Low-temperature Heat Capacity and Standard Enthalpy of Formation of Praseodymium Glycin Perchlorate Complex
- 稀土脯氨酸高氯酸盐配合物[RE_2(Pro)_6(H_2O)_4](ClO_4)_6(RE=Pr,Er)的低温热容及热力学性质 Low Temperature Heat Capacities and Thermodynamic Property of Rare Earth Complexes with Proline Perchlorate [RE_2(Pro)_6(H_2O)_4](ClO_4)_6(RE=Pr,Er)
- D-色氨酸研究进展 Advance in Studying on D-Tryptophan
- D-色氨酸乙酰转移酶 D-Tryptophan acetyltransferase
- 5-羟色氨酸 5-hydroxytryptophane
- 氨基羧乙基硫色氨酸 tryptathionine
- 色氨酸2 tryptophan 2,3-dioxygenase
- 藻蓝蛋白裂合酶CpeS色氨酸定点诱变及体内重组功能研究 Site-directed Mutagenesis of the CpeS of Phycocyanin and Study on the Function with Reconstitution in vivo
- 从土壤中分离L-色氨酸生产菌株及其高产诱变选育的研究 Isolation of L-tryptophan-producing Soil Bacterial Strains and Genetic Mutation Breeding
- 氟色氨酸 fluorotryptophan
- 羟色氨酸 hydroxytryptophane
- L-色氨酸 L-Trp; L-tryptophan; LTP
- 色氨酸酶 tryptophanase
- 色氨酸尿 tryptophanuria
- 色氨酸血 tryptophanemia
- 5羟色氨酸 5-HTP
- DL-色氨酸 DL-tryptophan
- 游离色氨酸 free tryptophan