- 3.0-H1-siRNA-STAT3重组质粒 recombinant plasmidof 3.0-H1-STAT3-siRNA-GFP
- 我们以SLAM基因上的三段序列作为靶序列,设计合成了三条siRNA序列,分别克隆到pSilencer 3.0-H1载体上然后分别把构建好的载体转染B95-8细胞。 namely the interference to the SLAM; in an Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) -transformed marmoset B cell line B95-8.Three potential target sequences in the SLAM gene were chosen and cloned into the pSilencer 3.0-H1 vector.
- 0.3是一个小数。 0.3 is a decimal.
- 0-3岁 aged 0-3
- 0-3型 type 0-3
- 拳击手以3比0击败了对手。 The boxer whaled his rival 3 to 0.
- 0-3岁儿童 Children aged 0-3years
- 图书馆3.0 Library 3.0
- QSn10-0.3 QSn10-0. 3
- 0-3岁婴幼儿 0-3-year-old infants
- 专家系统3.0 ESEP3.0
- 为0.3协m。 ECso was 0.3 mol/L.
- 0.3%印楝素EC azadirachtin 0.3%25 EC
- 3-0-甲基多巴 3-0-methyldopa; OMD
- 0-3岁早期教育 early education for 0-3-year-olds
- 3.0%Si电工钢 3.0Si Electric Steel
- 燕京生啤0.3升 Yanjing Draught (0.3L)
- Sn-3.0Ag-0.5Cu Sn-3.0Ag-0 .5Cu
- 而3.0则不是这样的。 This is not true for PHP 3.0.
- 0.3%妥布霉素眼液 Tobrex Solution<眼科用药>