- 3-去氧苏木黄酮B 3-deoxysappanone B
- 3'-去氧苏木黄素 3'-deoxysappanol
- 苏木黄酮B sappanone B
- 去氧黄酮 flavane
- 五酯酮B schisanlignone B
- 苋甾酮B amarasterone B
- 去氧 deoxygenization
- 3'-去氧二磷酸腺苷 3'-dADP; 3'-deoxy adenosine diphosphate
- 而La(III)能有效调控类黄酮合成并参与ROS清除,继而缓解UV-B辐射对大豆幼苗的伤害。 while La(III) can effectively adjust the synthesis of flavonoids and eliminate ROS, so that it alleviated the harm to soybean seedlings by UV-B radiation.
- 槲皮黄酮-3-芸香甙 quercetin-3-rutinoside
- 包内去氧 ladle degassing
- 苯并黄酮 benzflavone
- 氨基去氧卡那霉素 kanamycin B
- 去氧糖 desoxy sugar
- 5,6,7-三羟黄酮 baicalein
- 麦黄酮 tricin
- 去氧剂 deoxidizer
- 柳黄酮 anthoxanthin of surname
- 去氧吗啡 desomorphine
- 萘黄酮 naphthoflavone