- 2K-H型周转轮系 2K-H epicyclic gear trains
- 非H封闭周转轮系基础传动比选择合理性研究 Reasonable Choice of the Basic Transmission Ratio of Non-H Closed Epicyclical Gear Train
- 大减速比封闭式周转轮系的设计研究 A study on the design of closed epicyclic gear trains with larger reduction ratio
- 2K-H型 2K - H
- 轮 wheel
- 优化设计周转轮系传动比计算技巧 Optimization of Calculation of Drive Ratio of Turnover Gear Wheels
- 户型 house type
- 周转 (v) the exchange of money or items between groups and people; turnover
- 笔型 pen type
- 摩天轮 ferris wheel
- 中文系 department of Chinese language and literature
- 整型 integer
- 轮毂 hub
- 菜系 style of cooking
- 资金周转 capital turnover
- 首轮 first-run
- H型截面 H-section
- 轮到 fall
- 轮滑 skidding of wheel
- H型 Hauch