- 28他们对?说,有人说是施浸者约翰,另有人说是以利亚,还有别人说是申言者中的一位。 And they told Him, saying, John the Baptist; and others, Elijah; but others, one of the prophets.
- 他们对人群中爆发的热烈喝采答礼。 They acknowledged the enthusiastic plaudits of the crowd.
- 他们对约翰的嘲弄伤害了他的感情。 Their mockery of John hurt his feeling.
- 他们对我很敬重。 They treated me with respect.
- 这些忠诚的行为显示了他们对祖国的爱。 The loyalties demonstrated their love for the country.
- 他们对暴力行为的痛恨是很明显的。 Their abomination of violence was obvious.
- 他们对这个计划的可行性表示怀疑。 They doubted of the feasibility of the project.
- 他们对这一问题的看法与我们不一致。 Their opinion on the matter conflicts with ours.
- 他们对你的错误提出批评,以便你不再重犯。 They criticized your mistakes to the end that you would not repeat them.
- 他们对募集资金的呼吁做出了慷慨的响应。 They have made a generous response to the appeals for funds.
- 他们对危害公众的司机采取强硬的措施。 They took strong measures against dangerous drivers.
- 他们对新桥给该市带来的利益估计过高。 They make too much of the advantages which will accrue to the town from the new bridge.
- 他们对我们这张漂亮的桌子表示赞许。 They gave us a compliment on our beautifully set table.
- 他们对他开枪,迫使他游过了一条河。 They shot at him and made him swim a river.
- 他们对我们的恩惠我们永远也报答不了。 The debt we owed them could never be paid.
- 我们想劝他们对整个机器重新进行设计。 We want to persuade them to redesign the whole machine.
- 他们对我们愿意提供的所有帮助和友谊表示藐视。 They flouted all our offers of help and friendship.
- 她这样决定,我们很高兴;他们对现状很厌恶 We are pleased with her decision. They are disgusted with the status quo.
- 他们对一次又一次地听到他怨感到厌烦。 They wearied of hearing the same complaints over and over again.
- 他们对那位作曲家报以雷鸣般的掌声。 They showered applause on the composer.