- 11S和7S组分 11S and 7S fraction
- 氨基酸分析表明,CPI含有人体所需的各种必需氨基酸,计算出CPI及其主要组分11S和7S的平均疏水性分别为4.4、4.05和4.65 KJ/mol氨基酸残基。 The average hydrophobicity of CPI, 11S and 7S were 4.4, 4.05 and 4.65 KJ/mol amino acid residues. Hydrophobicity probe (ANS) and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) were used to determine the surface hydrophobicity (So) and thermal denaturation temperature (Td) of CPI, 11S and 7S.
- SDS-PAGE表明,组分B的亚基相对分子质量为45、38.6、35、20.1和14.4kDa,组分D的亚基相对分子质量为60、55、51、38.6和35 kDa,初步判定这两个组分依次为11S和7S球蛋白。 The subunit molecular weights of 45, 38.6, 35, 20.1 andl4.4 kDa for B and 60, 55, 51, 38.6 and 35 kDa for D were obtained by SDS-PAGE. The two major fractions B and D were determined to be 11S and 7S, respectively. Amino acid analysis indicated that CPI contained all essential amino acids.
- 分 minute
- 组 to form
- 11S组分 7S
- 分页 pagination
- SDS-PAGE结果表明,生大豆主要蛋白质成分集中于11S二峰和7S一峰处,熟大豆7S二峰电泳带与生大豆7S带相差不大,说明热处理对其破坏程度较小。 The results of SDS-PAGE showed that the major proteins in raw soybeans concentrated at the second peak of 11S and the first peak of 7S globulins,while the profile of the second peak of processed 7S globulin (lane8) has little difference with that of the raw 7S globulin, to which steam-process did little harm.
- 拆分 split
- 分时 time-sharing
- Ni、W、P组分及样品硫化对Ni-W-P/USY催化剂酸性质和催化性能的影响 Influence of Ni,W,P Components and Sulphurization on the Acidic Property and Activity of Ni-W-P/USY Catalysts
- 分号 semicolon
- 富含11S组分大豆分离蛋白 11S--rich soybean protein isolate
- 三组分的无细胞百白破联合疫苗安全性和免疫原性研究 A Study on Immunogenicity and Safety of Adsorbed Acellular DTP Vaccine Prepared with Separately Purified Antigens
- Zn组分 Zinc composition
- 全组分 all-components
- 三组分 three-component
- COD组分 COD components
- In组分 indium content
- NOM组分 isolated NOM fractions