- 0.76%C铁碳合金 Fe-0. 76%25 C alloy
- 铁碳合金相图 the iron-carbon alloy phase diagram
- 高碳化物铁碳合金的磨粒磨损性能研究 Abrasive Wear Properties of Fe-C Alloys with Large Amounts of Carbides
- 高钒铁碳合金凝固过程及元素的分布 Solidification Process and Element Distribution of High Vanadium Fe-C Alloy
- c语言
- 碳 carbon
- 中碳合金奥氏体内C-Me偏聚与异常分解 C-Me Segregation and Unusual Decomposition in Medium Carbon Alloy Austenite
- 维生素C vitamin(e) C
- 碳水化合物 carbohydrate
- C语言程序设计 Programming in C
- 铁碳合金 iron carbon alloy
- 碳钢 carbon steel
- 碳纤维 carboform
- 高纯Fe-0.2%P-2%Cr-C合金晶界的高分辨俄歇能谱分析 High Resolution Auger Electron Spectroscopy Analysis on Grain Boundaries of High Purity Fe-0.2%25P-2%25Cr-C Alloys
- 碳化 carbonize
- 铁耗少的恒导磁率铁镍钴合金 super isoperm
- 碳粉 powdered carbon
- 碳氢化合物 hydrocarbon
- 镍和铁的合金,易于磁化和消磁。 an 80/20 alloy of nickel and iron; easily magnetized and demagnetized.
- 渗碳 carburization