- (在车上)人都上车了吗? (on the bus) Is everybody on the bus?
- 人都上车了吗? Is everybody on the bus?
- 上个星期她在纠正一个小错误时把整个工作都搞砸了,所以这次她保持原样不动了。 Last week she ruined the whole job while trying to put right a small mistake, so this time she left well alone.
- 为了让更多人能上车,在车上我们不得不挤在一起。 We had to squash up in the bus to make room for more people.
- 当其他人都上床睡觉时,他们仍然在喋喋不休地争论着。 When all the others went to bed,they were still arguing the point.
- 我晚了3分钟,还以为肯定赶不上车了,但我时来运转,汽车晚点了5分钟。 I was sure I was going to miss the bus as I was three minutes late; but I lucked out; the bus was five minutes late.
- 那日阵势越战越猛,以色列王勉强站在车上抵挡亚兰人,直到晚上。约在日落的时候,王就死了。 All day long the battle raged, and the king of Israel propped himself up in his chariot facing the Arameans until evening. Then at sunset he died.
- 上车了,告诉了司机我的目的地后,车门忽然“哒”的一声。 Shortly after I board the cab and told the driver my destination, there was a telltale click sound.
- 很多人都不理解在这样的困难条件下他们怎么坚持下来的。 Many people wondered how they managed under such difficult conditions.
- 声音小一点,不然你就把一家人都吵醒了。 Be quiet or you'll wake the whole household.
- 看我漂亮么?(这衣服上是果汁,忘了带他的杯子,用我们的杯子在车上喝果汁浇了一脖子,呵呵) Am i pretty?( See his messy shirt? We forgot to bring his cup, so he made a big mess drinking from our cup riding in the car).
- 我们堵住车厢内的通道啦,其他乘客都上不了车了。 We're blocking the aisle and other passengers can hardly get on the trolley-bus.
- 大部分的人都上白天班。 Most people work the day shift.
- 马上就要开始上车了。我们快点吧。 Boarding begin in a minute. Let 's hurry.
- 马车翻了,车上的人都(被)摔出来了。 The carriage overturned and the passengers (were) pitched out.
- 所有的小孩都上来了,站要外面的楼梯口上,莫明其妙地望着躺在我床上的啤 All the little children had come up to the landing outside, to look at the phenomenon of Peepy lying on my bed.
- 那个粗鲁的人把我挤到一边先上车了。 That rude man shouldered me aside and got on the bus ahead of me!
- 每一个人都在关心爱护着我的妹妹,而我却感到被冷落在了一旁。 I felt a little left out while everyone focused on my sister.
- 只差几十块钱就能买上车了,不能前功尽弃; only a couple of dozen dollars more and he would have enough for a rickshaw.
- 论异象谷的默示:有什么事使你这满城的人都上房顶呢? An oracle concerning the Valley of Vision: What troubles you now, that you have all gone up on the roofs