- NH4-N NH4-N
- (NH4)2S (NH4) 2S
- 向澄清酶液中添加4 %辅料和60%饱和(NH4)2SO4盐析,压滤; 4 %25 adjunct and (NH4)2SO4 with 60%25 saturation was added to the bright enzyme liquid after agitation and filtration.
- (NH4)3PO4 ( NH4 ) 3 PO4
- (NH4)2SO4 (NH4)2SO4
- 施用有机肥可增加土壤NO3--N含量,对NH4+-N含量的影响较小。 Applying organic fertilizer to soil mainly increased NO3-N content,had a little influence on NH4+-N.
- (NH4)2SO4废水 ammonium sulfate wastewater
- (NH4)2SO4处理 ( NH4)2SO4 treatment
- 粳稻幼苗叶片NRA受NH4十的影响大,而釉稻幼苗叶片受影响小。 NH4+-N affected the leaf NRA of Japonica rice seedlings (7 d) more apparently than that of Indica rice seedlings (7 d).
- 在液体培养中,病菌对氮源的利用以酵母膏为最好,其次为(NH4)2SO4。 Yeast extract WBS the best nitrogen source in liquid culturate, the second was (NH4)2SO4.
- PEG/(NH4)2SO4 PEG/(NH4)2SO4
- (NH4)2CO3-NH3-H2O ( NH4 ) 2 CO3 - NH3 - H2O
- Ce(NH4)2(NO3)6 Ce(NH4)2(NO3)6
- 通过一个复杂的过程在亨利襻中重吸收NH4+,并在肾脏髓质建立一个逆流的NH4+梯度。 Through a complex process whereby the NH4+ reenters the tubular cells in the loop of Henle, a countercurrent gradient of ammonia (NH3) is created in the medulla of the kidney.
- 排H+(以NH4+形式)入屎也明显增加 Excretion of H+(as NH4+) in the urine is greatly increased.
- DCD处理肥料氮主要以有机固定态或粘粒矿物固定态存在 ,其次以NH4 N形式存在 ; The residual nitrogen existed mainly in organic form or fixed NH 4 + in DCD treatment but mainly in NO 3 N form in other treatments.
- 结果表明,随停留时间延长,土著生物强化与优势菌群强化对NH4+-N、TN和TP的去除率增加. It was showed that,removal efficiency of NH~+_4-N,TN,and TP by and dominant colony increased with rest time.
- α-(NH4)6[SiW11(H2O)O39]·XH2O α-(NH4)6[SiW11(H2O)O39]·XH2O
- 用高分辨电喷雾质谱确定[M+18]+峰对应于[M+NH4]+。 ESI/MS high-resolution spectrum was used to confirm corresponding to [M+NH_4]~+.