- 龙形肾盂X线照片 dragon pyelogram
- 我们大约每两个月拍一次X线照片。 We have taken films about every two months.
- 龙形肾盂造影照片 [医] dragon pyelogram
- 线 thread
- 照片 photograph
- 卵形肾盂 oval type pelvis
- 在线 in-line
- 龙形土话 Longxing dialect
- 本研究结果并结合有关文献表明:控制X线照片斑点的主要措施是管电压不要过高,所用稀土增感因数不宜过大,即所用mAs值不宜过小。 This study together with related reports indicated that an effective way of controlling film mottle was to refrain from usmg too high tube voItage and too big intensifying screen factor which translated into too small mAs value.
- 多叉形肾盂 multifid pelvis
- 奖牌灵感来源于刻有龙形图案的传统玉璧。 The medals take their inspiration from the" bi", a traditional piece of jade inscribed with a dragon.
- 三叉形肾盂 trifid pelvis[肾盂造影所见肾盂形态之—]
- 在线照片编辑网站,比较实用。 Picnik - edit photos the easy way, online in your brows.
- 中国古代皇帝用的印章一般都雕着龙形印钮。 Generally, the seals of ancient Chinese emperors would have a knob with a dragon carved on it.
- 肾盂X线透视检查 eloscopy
- 上面绘制成龙形,表演人数根据龙形之长短而定。 The longer the dragon is, the more performers there are.
- 膀胱肾盂X线摄影(术) cystopyelography
- 草龙:亦称"香火龙",用稻草、青藤扎成龙形,上面插满点燃的线香, The grass dragon, also called "burning incense dragon", is made from rice straw and green vines, with burning incenses inserted into it.
- 肾盂X射线照片用肾盂照相技术拍摄到的X射线照片 An x - ray obtained by pyelography.
- X线人类学 roentgenographic anthropology