- 鼠疫菌F1抗原 F1 antigen
- 分泌抗鼠疫耶尔森菌F1抗原单克隆抗体杂交瘤株的建立 Establishment of hybridoma cell strains secreting McAbs against Yersinia Pestis F1 antigen
- 鼠疫F1抗原(F1-Ag) F1 Antigen
- F1抗原 F1 antigen
- 天山山地灰旱獭-长尾黄鼠鼠疫疫源地鼠疫菌基因分型研究 Genomic typing of strains of Y. Pestis from Marmota baibacina-Spermophilus undulates plague focus of Tianshan Mountains in China
- 鼠疫菌102kb基因座一端IS100的缺失与pgm~+稳定性的研究 Study on the relation between the absence of one IS100 in 102 kb pgm locus of Yersinia pestis and the stability of pigmentation phenotype
- 鼠疫 pestilence
- 头孢菌素 cephalosporin
- 鼠疫F1单克隆抗体的胶体金标记及斑点渗滤法检测F1抗原方法的建立 Labeling monoclonal antibodies to the F1 antigen of Yersinia pestis with colloidal gold particles and testing F1 antigen by dot immunogold filtration assay
- 白色念珠菌 Candida albicans
- 大肠菌 coliform
- 放线菌 ray fungi
- 溶菌酶 muramidase
- 鼠疫造成数千人死亡。 The plague caused thousands of deaths.
- 除菌 degerming
- 溶菌 bacteriolysis
- 在临床标本中荧光法检测出F1抗原。确诊性诊断的实验室标准:从临床标本中分离出耶尔森氏鼠疫杆菌;或者 Detection of F1 antigen in a clinical specimen by fluorescent assay. Confirmatory: Isolation of Y. pestis from a clinical specimen; or
- 多菌灵 Sanmate
- 羊肚菌 hickory chick; morel
- 百菌清 chlorothalonil