- 默认堆大小为1 MB。 The default heap size is 1 MB.
- 此更改历史以固定大小为1 MB的日志文件序列来表示。 This change history is represented as a sequence of fixed-size 1 megabyte (MB) log files.
- 默认 pretermission
- 最大堆大小是由 The maximum heap size that is controlled by
- 来设置初始的Java堆大小; To set initial Java heap size;
- 默认生成器线程池大小为1,表示一次只能触发一个规则。 The default generator thread pool size is 1, which means that only one rule fires at a time.
- 默认值 Windows default
- 堆 heap
- 为难 make things difficult for
- 绝大部分扔一下武器的增加堆大小. Increased stack sizes of most Throwing weapons.
- 默认设置 default setting
- 转化为 translate into
- 一堆 pile
- 只添加所期望的LOB值的平均大小就足够了,然后将其添加至总的堆大小中。 It is sufficient to just add the average size of the LOB values that are expected and add that to the total heap size.
- 扣除费用,其利润为1 000镑。 Subtracting the costs, the profit would be 1,000 pounds.
- 利用内存到内存复制,您可以存储的会话信息的数量受应用服务器的JVM堆大小的限制。 With memory-to-memory replication, the amount of session information you can store is bounded by the JVM heap size of your application server.
- True值保存为1。 A value of True is stored as 1.
- 这些语句的最大大小为4 MB。 These statements are limited to a maximum size of 4 megabytes (MB).
- 度量单位为1英寸。 The unit of measurement is 1 inch.
- 显示以下计数器值的总和:“第0级堆大小”计数器、“第1级堆大小”计数器、“第2级堆大小”计数器和“大对象堆大小”计数器。 Displays the sum of the Gen 0 Heap Size, Gen 1 Heap Size, Gen 2 Heap Size, and the Large Object Heap Size counters.